the aftermath

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i have a vivid dream, one i'm not sure is a memory or a dream, of me as a little girl. i am wearing this flower dress, it's slightly tattered and dirtied, but it feels like it's my favorite dress. i go to the store, and i end up stealing a chocolate bar. i'm not sure why i did it, i had the money to buy it, but instead i stole it. no one ever found out about it in this dream/ memory.

this dream is one i forget about from time to time, but it always comes back after i get drunk.

i wake up, not at home, on a soft bed. the sheets smell like sebastian. the sheets and blanket are a dark navy and silk. i turn over and the bed next to me looks slept in, but empty.
i get up and i look over at my dress, and the thought of putting that on, i'd rather fall over and die. i see some of sebs shirts lying on his dresser, so pull one on. i was still wearing my undergarments so i know nothing happened, but what happened after i made seb get up with me, is blank.
i walk out of the room and press my hand to my forehead, feeling a headache coming on. i stumble with my other hand on the wall for guidance and make my way to where ever this hallway is leading.
footsteps approach from the direction i am heading  and a voice,
"i know i know i'm late, but i won't be in for a few more hours. i'm sorry !! i'll make it up to you tonight, forgive me please !!"
i'm probably delusional at this point, but that sounded a lot like flirting to me. do i have a right to be mad, we never made anything official, and it's not like i can expect a big shot celebrity to be stay exclusive if he doesn't want to be.
seb gets closer,
"you're my savior, thank you. i'll see you later tonight" he ends what i assume is a phone call before he turns the corner. i slide down the wall and close my eyes. he's gonna see me all kooked out, looking hungover, and i am just not in the mood to deal with another person until i've had some coffee.
i can feel his eyes look down at me,
"now now, i thought my bed was a lot comfier than the floor" he teases me.
"coffee" i say, my voice is raspy, it seems as if i did a lot of yelling last night.
"that sounds like an order i can follow" he starts to walk away, and i get up to follow him to the kitchen.
i sit down, and put my head in my hands. right now the light is too bright, i can feel the seat too much, the air feels too heavy, and the hair on the back of my neck irritates me.
"want any cream or sugar?" he asks
"i'm okay thank you"
he hands me the cup, and within seconds the coffee is gone. he looks at me surprised,
"that was really hot coffee, is your throat okay? how did you... and so much... so fast..."
he just trails off.
i push my cup back towards him, needing a refill. he takes the coffee mug and fills it up again. this time i sip on it, just drinking it normally. he still stares, like i'm gonna eat his mug with the coffee too.
"hey do you have any tylenol" i ask. i find Acetamedaphin is better for headaches.
"i do, but you shouldn't take it on an empty stomach"
"you sound like my mother" that was something she always said to me. she used to make me drink half a cup of milk in the mornings before i could take any.
i didn't mean the comment harshly, but it looks like sebastian took it the wrong way.
"here" he hands me the bottle
i take 3, and gulp them down with some coffee.
"so this is your house" i stare up at the high ceilings and kitchen decor.
"all mine" he says through a smile "i bought it a while back, and ever since then it's been home"
the lights don't seem as bright now.
"so do you have any plans i'm infringing on?" i ask, not to be nosey of course, but just to find the play of the land.
"i did have some stuff this morning, but don't worry about it. and tonight i have a dinner and drinks thing..." he trails off again
"i would invite you but-"
i interrupt, "don't worry about it at all, i'm sure it's not my vibe anyways" i don't want to make him feel bad, it's not like he owes me anything anyways.
"listen-" i start to say "- i'm sorry i crashed here, i don't really remember last night but it must have been bad if i couldn't go home"
i look up to him, but he just gives me a soft smile.
"nothing like that, i just didn't want any paparazzi to catch you when you were off guard" his smile is warm, and makes me feel better.
"thank you" i smile back, but it's not as warm as his.
i start to get up, "but i should get going"
"you don't have to go so soon" he walks towards me, lacing his arms around my waist. i rest my head back against his chest,
"i really do have to get going, i have big plans for the day"
"but i didn't even give you the tour!" he pleads,
"give me one when i've been up more than an hour"
now this might sound cliche, but i am a scorpio rising, and i need my alone time in the morning. i need a little while to get myself together, collect my thoughts, and just think.
"oh you're no fun"
i fake a pout and start to walk back towards his room. after i get dressed back in my dress, i throw my hair up walk back to the kitchen.
"oh come on! you can't expect me to let you walk away looking like that" he eyes me up and down.
"be careful then, i have pepper spray"
he just laughs.
he walks me to the door, and the limo is waiting out front.
"i called him while you were getting dressed"
i didn't have the energy to fight him, so i just got in.
"just going home?" the driver questions.
"yes please" i lie down and put my hands to my face.
"everything alright?" the driver asks, looking at me through his mirror
"long night" i answer flatly
"i've heard that before" he chuckles and pulls away.
"do you drive all sebastians girls home" cause it felt like that's what his comment was insinuating.
"oh come now, a driver never tells his secrets"

it felt like a long ride home, and an even longer walk to my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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