𝗶𝗶. charlotte bound

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a wiIshire production.

𝓛IAR, 𝓛IARa wiIshire production

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( more than anything in the world. )

⠀⠀ 𝓖ENESIS yawned as she lazily tugged her bags through the threshold.

⠀⠀Judging by the darkness that had enveloped the city beyond her floor to ceiling windows and the dim flickering of city lights past the Hollywood sign, it was well past midnight when she had finally decided to start packing for her trip to Charlotte.

⠀⠀Three days alone with LaMelo on the other side of the country? Dreading it was an understatement.

⠀⠀"Damn, how long you gone for?" Lonzo Ball gawked, eyeing the large suitcase and accompanying Louis Vuitton duffel as she tossed them to the middle of the bedroom.

⠀⠀"Three days." Genesis shrugged.

⠀⠀"You forget our girl's a serial overpacker, Zo." Mishka Thakur laughed, swirling a glass of dark wine in her right hand as she leaned lazily against the doorframe.

⠀⠀"And what about it?" Genesis mugged.

⠀⠀Marisa Laurent giddily traipsed into the room, holding in her outstretched arms an array of clothing dangling from various hangers.

⠀⠀"Which fits are we feeling, girlie?"

⠀⠀Genesis' lips pursed as she sifted through her options.

⠀⠀"Y'all acting like homegirl's headed to fashion week," Lonzo rolled his eyes, "N*gga, it's North Carolina."

⠀⠀Genesis let out a loud laugh at his comment, "Shut up, man. Can't be caught dead without the drip on me."

⠀⠀"Mhm," He drawled sarcastically, "You and Dip be the exact same, on God."

⠀⠀"With his white boy lookin' ass?" Mishka scoffed, "Try again."

⠀⠀The trio of girls laughed as Lonzo held his arms up in mock-surrender.

⠀⠀"How you feeling 'bout the trip, Ness?" Lonzo questioned casually.

⠀⠀"Looking forward to it." Genesis deadpanned, sarcasm practically dripping from her words.

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