Ok- so like this is really weird-

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Ok, so not a dream update but I just want to tell y'all why it's getting more realistic-

Ok so before when I would dream it would just be like I was watching a show in VR, I couldn't feel what the person was feeling, I could only feel the apparent emotions that came with sad stuff and well confusion, and I could also feel when I was falling, but that was it, right?

Well now I can feel the full emotions like I am there, I can feel stuff like the jerking of elevators, the feeling of concrete under my finger tips, and to give you an example I'll tell you a bit of the dream that I actually remember from last night

Me and my best friend and her mom were driving, and I was in the far back seat (aka the third row) there was no one in the second row, and my best friend and her mom were up front. Now the AC in their car is broken besides the ones I'm the front seat, so they usually turn the AC up super high so it'll reach the back. Now I was super cold because well idk, but the ac was even colder than my room can get (my room is typically really hot lol) and I told them to turn the AC down and they ignored me and turned it up instead, so I dug my nails into my skin to keep myself from saying anything, and possibly the warm myself up. I thought they finally turned up the heat when I felt warmth on my legs, my it turned out it was just the sun, then I felt the ac and the sun on my body. I reached down and felt my sweatshirt on the floor (which has a very certain texture) and I put it on my arms.

I then woke up because my mom came in to wake me up. And yeah.... It was just super...... real??? And that's how all of my dreams have been recently and it's super weird and creepy, like it's almost like I'm in someone else's body but just in my own reality if that makes sense lol.

Also, today will probably be a double update because I remembered another weird dream-

But yeah, that's all!

Remember, stay weird, and don't die!

Word count 398

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