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Hey Upper East siders, Gossip Girl here.

And I have the biggest news ever. One of my many  sources, sends us this:

~Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand, Tommy Sittichok.~

Was it only a year ago our "it" boy mysteriously disappeared for... quote "boarding school"? And just as suddenly, he's back. Don't believe me? See it for yourselves.

 Every one knows Tommy and every one is talking. Wonder what Saint Suppapong thinks? Sure, they are BFFs... but we always thought Saint's boyfriend, Jimmy, had a thing for Tommy. 

 Saint was sitting at the dressing table fixing his hair when the sound of a notification came on his cell phone. Just reading the message awakened some uncertainty in him, triggering something.

He left the powder room and headed back to the lunch party he was attending, among the guests were several important figures in New York. On his way back Saint ran into his mother, a not very pleasant encounter, who was talking to a group of ladies, among them the organizer of the event.

-Aw Saint... , If you're going to wear one of my designs, tell me, so we can at least get it properly fitted.-

His mother's tone was that contented tone, that tone that Saint knew was meant to be a back handed compliment.

-Thanks, Mom. I'll keep that in mind. Great party Ms. Atthapan.-

Saint continued his way.

In other part of the place where the event was being held, there was Jimmy Jimmoi with his father and his colleagues from when his dad was in the navy, while they were having a glass of champagne.

-Jimmy, have you started thinking about college?-

Just as Jimmy was about to answer his father interrupted him.

-Well, actually, I'm a Dartmouth man.-

-Yes, Dad's always spoken very highly of Dartmouth. But I'd like to check out west. You know, maybe USC, UCLA.-

Jimmy looked at his dad as if he was trying to tell him something else besides what he had just said in front of his colleagues.

-His mother wouldn't hear of it. Dartmouth is far enough away from her.-

Hearing his father's words dismissing what he just said, the younger Jimmy just agreed with him.

- Yes, well, Dartmouth is my first choice.-

As they kept on talking, Saint arrived at the place and approached them.

-Excuse me, Captain. Jimmy, can I borrow you?-

- Sure. Will you excuse me for a second?-

Saint took the taller man by his arm and started to walk to another place. As they both walked down one of the aisles they passed by one of the seats near the main bar. There was Zee Pruk with a glass of whiskey in his hand and sitting on either side of him were two girls. The black-haired man watched the two boys pass by and spoke.

-Hey Jimmy. Any interest in some fresh air?-

Zee made a smoking motion with his free hand to denote the meaning of his words. Jimmy turned back to Saint, who shook his head softly.

 -When I get back?-

-If he gets back.-

Saint said with a smirk after hearing what his boyfriend answered. Zee's face changed to a pissed and bothered expression but no one noticed. And S continued to lead him by his arm through the corridors until they reached one of the rooms of the place, Saint knew where they were, since the event was organized by one of the families of one of his friends.

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