Would I Lie To You

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I cursed under my breath. Looking at my cell, I noticed it was 7:32pm on Friday night. Gail had served the Greys' dinner, then retired to our apartment above the detached garage at their lakefront home. A stylish but warm family focussed mansion on acreage, our quarters there were expansive and enjoyed the same lakefront view. A view I had anticipated enjoying this evening alongside my wife.

I was seconds away from opening a beer, about to enjoy my 7:30pm Friday to Sunday furlough. Now Grey was a family man with two young children, my hours were a lot more stable. Yes, I still protected him and Ana at weekend events as required—however, if there was nothing else planned, I now enjoyed full weekends off with Gail.

My loving wife looked at my cell, although she didn't need to. Grey had his own ringtone, which was now blaring as my phone vibrated on our glass coffee table. And unlike Ana, who considered our weekends off sacrosanct, Grey had no qualms calling me if he felt the situation required it.

"You'd better answer that," Gail said lovingly before putting my unopened beer back in the fridge and turning down the pot on the stove that was heating our dinner. I grunted in response. I didn't want to, but duty called.

"Sir?" I greeted once the call connected.

"Taylor. I need you right now in Phoebe's bedroom. Ana is downstairs in the living room, so come through the front door and up the front stairs so she doesn't see you. She is not to know you are here," Grey whispered urgently.

"Is everything ok?" I asked, my interest piqued.

"In a manner of speaking. Just hurry!"

Gail raised an eyebrow as I stood, pocketing my phone, and picking up my keys. I shrugged before she helped me back into my black suit jacket. Being Grey, it could be anything.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," I promised, pecking Gail on the cheek, and hoping whatever the boss needed today wouldn't end up destroying our weekend.

After five years of living at the Medina property, I knew the reach of every sensor light, and how to reach the main house from ours without setting any of the sensors off. Thinking further, I made a mental note to contact Barney and see if there was some way to remedy that. Ideally, any approach to the Greys' home should see the outside lit up like Christmas. If there was a way that could be achieved, except for security patrols and for myself, then it was worth implementing.

Carefully letting myself in through the front door, I could hear the TV from the living room. I tiptoed across the wooden floor in the vestibule before taking the carpeted front stairs up to the second floor before padding softly toward the children's wing. A stickler for punctuality and routine, the Grey children had their baths at 7:00, stories at 7:15, and were in bed and asleep or close to it by 7:30pm. Especially on a Friday. That Grey was calling me here, without Ana's knowledge, suggested something was up.

I let myself into Phoebe's room, hoping this was not some nefarious plot by Grey to involve 'Uncle Tay Tay' in another dress up and tea party session. While I didn't enjoy Miss Grey's efforts at dressing me in pink boas and subjecting me to cup after cup of tea (water from questionable sources served in miniature ceramic tea cups), I never found the heart to turn Ana and Christian's three-year-old girl down.

"Shhh," Grey hissed softly as soon as I entered the room. He gestured to the over the top, white and pink canopied little girls' bed, and the dark-haired, blue-eyed beauty sleeping in it. Mrs. Grey's twin, in every way but temperament, Phoebe Grace Grey had her father—hell basically the entire household—wrapped around her capricious little finger. Despite being 'my word is law' in every other aspect of his life, Grey was a featherweight when it came to his baby girl. The only two really able to stand up to her were Ana and Grace.

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