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This is after the game

Shuichi pov

Opened my eyes to hear faint talking until it got louder as I opened my eyes I looked up to see my friends.

Kaede, maki, kaito, gonta, miu, kirumi they looked at me and smiled "hey sidekick are you ok" kaito asked "yes I'm fine kaito" I looked around and realised some of my friends weren't here so I asked kirumi where they were "well Angie, tenko, himiko are in the lobby rantaro and Kokichi are in there room" kirumi replied content

"can I go see Kokichi" I wanted to see him to tell him sorry for what I said Kokichi "why would you wanna see the lying gremlin" maki said coldly I was about to reply but a nurse had came in and told us that I was free to go

As we were walking down the hallway I heard a two familiar voices I look down the hallway to see rantaro and Kokichi laughing and chatting "Kokich, rantaro" I call out to them they look at me Kokichi expression saddens and rantaro glares at me I look confused

Then what happens next make me angry rantaro picked up ouma making oumas face turn red and he just walks past us holding ouma

Why did he do that. Why did rantaro pick up my ouma

Wait why did I just think of that I was snapped out of thoughts by kaito yelling at me I look at him "sidekick you ok? " he ask Worridly "yeah just fine kaito"

A/n- thanks for reading this i'try to post every week if I can hope you all have a great day


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