The first Step to Forgiveness!

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Hello my lovelies,

Trigger warning for this story I briefly touch on attempted suicide please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable I understand

This has been story that has been rattling around for a while, and is perhaps why I haven't been very focused on my existing story's I know so so bad of me. This well it's not a particularly happy story. I know such a difference to my normal romantic stuff.

You will be happy to know that this is just a small story  idea too so I won't make you endure too angst I do that enough as it is

I will let the words and emotions say the rest

Please be honest about what you think!

Chanyeol's POV
Chanyeol stops in his tracks when the coffee shop he suggested comes into view, it's not the happy nostalgia of his favourite coffee shop in Seoul still being open that has stopped him in his tracks. It's the man he can see sat at the window table, two coffees already sat in front of him. He doesn't have to get any closer to know one of those coffees will be his double shot americano, the other a decaf cappuccino made with coconut milk. Their coffee preference may not of changed even after five years apart, but he and the man at the table have. He almost doesn't recognises the man, the uniform of tatty oversized jumpers, and cargo pants are no more, it's clear that love of oversized clothing has completely left. The suit he has on is so much smarter, overall it just screams expensive. The most obvious change those horrid geeky glasses are finally long gone, and that greasy grown out brassy boxed die job has been replaced by a clearly professional strawberry blond textured style that he hates to admit suits him so much more.

Chanyeol almost falters in his step, he half expected Baekhyun to not look so good and to be late not 10 minutes early! That's if he decided to even turn up at all. Shame suddenly courses through him, Baekhyun not turning up would be what he deserves. He shouldn't let old expectations rule his emotions, especially when he has no right to them.

He takes five steps closer before stopping, it feels like his heart is caught in his throat. From where he stands the Baekhyun sat at that table is a far cry from the man he left. Baekhyun was always so shy and hated practically everything save for his books. Baekhyun was always the wall flower, whilst he wanted to be the centre of attention.  They were like chalk and cheese, Baekhyun's quiet nature was endearing at first, he can't pin point where it all went wrong! They moved in-together after six months of dating, all he remembers is the honeymoon phase seemed to disappear instantly and Baekhyun drew even further into himself. That guilt swirling with in him intensifies when his conscious reminds him that six months later he was on a plane to London with the man who made him at the time made him feel everything Baekhyun never had.

Guilt has weighed heavy on his mind for a while now, and whilst he knows he doesn't deserve it he would like the chance to do what should of been done five years ago. Talk to Baekhyun! He's been given a brutal wake up too, the attitude of their once shared friends when he finally plucked of the courage to reach out evidence enough that he is nothing but a villain. He's certain Suho only responded to his messages out of pity, he always was protective of Baekhyun. The others well Jongdae would kill him if he had the chance, Yixing too. Sehun blocked any of his attempts to reach out, Kungsoo the only one willing to meet with him face to face. The slice of humble pie he ate that day was gigantic, for the first time he truly understood the term getting blood out of a stone, when he asked for help contacting Baekhyun. Kungsoo simply levelled him his famous glare, before Baekhyun's number was slapped in to the palm of his hand by Jongdae.

He takes a step closer to the cafe Jongdae's sharp words well whine ringing in his ears, "you hurt him again Park Chanyeol and I will make it so even your bones can't provide DNA to find you!" His hackles had risen instantly at how no one once reached out to him to find out his side of the story, but Kungsoo withering stare soon made him shut up as did his cryptic message of "thats not for us to tell you!" Soon that shame and guilt keeping him from making this situation far worse. Espically when Kungsoo later told him by text that Baekhyun had tried to kill himself not long after he left and their allegiance always will remain with him.

Chanyeol couldn't believe the words written in that message and when he allowed memories of his days with Baekhyun to filter through his mental defences. Well he truly felt like the villain they claimed him to be! He can't believe he was so so ignorant and blind, that he mistook clear mental health issue as laziness, that whilst Baekhyun was silently fighting a war with his own mind, he himself was seeking comfort in the arms of another man. It was only when he experienced the devastation of being cheated on himself, did he realise that what he did was deplorable! He truly regrets the sneaking around that led to running off in the middle of the night. Yes at the time he lost all interest in Baekhyun, refused to even talk to him when Baekhyun tried to initiate a conversation! Now he knows that silence between them was killing Baekhyun as he did all he could to fight his demons alone. That Baekhyun was trying to do nothing but love him unconditionally and suffered in silence.

His trip down memory lane is cut short when he realises he's finally in front of the coffee shop, the man he left behind finally staring at him through the window with emotionless eyes.

So who honestly wants to read what happens next!

Children of the Moon is coming up next

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