Chapter 3: Beg you to stay

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Dinner was a quiet affair. Natasha stared at the chicken salad in front of her and couldn't bring herself to touch it.

"Not hungry?" Clint asked glancing at the red head's plate.

"No, I think I'm going to train a little before I head to bed"

"Nat are you ok? Did something happen with Wanda today? I haven't seen her since your session this morning and I've been loitering around all day" Clint's forehead creased with worry.

Natasha considered her response carefully. Clint was the closest to family she would ever have and she knew he cared about her deeply. She decided she wouldn't burden him with her guilt at the way she had handled Wanda's magical outburst this morning.

"I'm fine, just tired. Stop worrying old man." She winked at him and rose to clear her plate.

"Less of the old! You're only four years younger than me. Besides, I've been told 34 is the new 21" He grinned, easily distracted by change in conversation.

"Ahhh but I look so much younger than I am" She laughed as she walked away, hips swaying in her skin tight jeans.

"Goodnight Idiot."

"G'night Nat."

Natasha stepped into the elevator, leaning back against the metal hand rail.

"Which floor Agent Romanoff?" A monotone voice asked politely.

"My floor please FRIDAY"

Natasha's rooms were located on the 5th floor of the compound which also happened to be the highest floor with the best view. One of her favourite things about her living quarters was that the whole floor was hers; the boys all had rooms on the floors below which kept noise to a minimum. Until Wanda Maximoff moved in at least, and then Natasha had to learn to share.

It was the logical choice really, she acknowledged, with them being the only women on the team. If she was being fair and unbiased she could even admit that Wanda was so quiet and unassuming she barely noticed she had to share the floor at all. They both had separate bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and the communal sitting room was so small in comparison to the one downstairs neither woman thought to use it, both always opting to use the larger one.

Natasha padded down the dimly lit hallway, briefly pausing in front of Wanda's door. She shook her head slightly and began to continue to her own room, only pausing when the younger woman's door opened.

Natasha steadied herself internally, expecting to see Wanda's sad, pleading eyes.

"Good evening Agent Romanoff" Vision's mechanical but kind voice greeted her as he closed the door behind him.

"Vision, everything ok?" She asked curiously, speculating about why Vision would be visiting the Sokovian's room. Sure, Natasha knew they were close but was unaware that their relationship had progressed to spending time in her bedroom. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

"Quite alright, thank you. I merely assumed Ms Maximoff might require some company. I made sure to enter via the door of course" He explained, looking rather pleased with himself.

Natasha couldn't formulate a response for the android, choosing to nod instead, hopefully preventing any more bizarre conversation.

"Goodnight Vision, have a good one"

"And Goodnight to you as well agent Romanoff" he replied cheerfully, giving her a stiff bow.

He hovered outside Wanda's door until Natasha reached her own; it was unclear whether this was to guard the girl from the Russian Spy or purely out of courtesy.

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