Day 1: The loft

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As the deep dark navy blue sky, had slowly faded to a pale shade of blue, birds had began chirping and their beautiful song had began to echo throughout the Victorian house. This house was different than all the other houses surrounding it. The remaining houses were standing tall, their walls were built out of pillars of quartz and soapstone. These walls were thick and sturdy, it was as if the builders knew that the buildings were going to have to be like this before even testing out the layout, making sure everything was acceptable and safe for the public. So many homes were built like this, except a lonely desolate Victorian house; rumors have said that this house had been owned by many artists and toy makers who only saw the future ahead of them, As time went by the families of these artist and toymakers began to fade . Half of their family had forgotten how to enjoy making toy's and painting's. Luckily, there is a boy who would become the most famous toymaker of his generation also the cause of his future changing. This boys name is Jacob Kavinski

He was like any ordinary teenager, but his life was anything but normal. His mother had passed away from Bronchitis and his father works all day and night. Jacob had rarely ever seen his father, but he always had a bit of time to text his father and say that he was home from school. Even if the dad had no time to reply he would always see a check mark underneath his message knowing that the dad had read and seen his message. With his mother out of the picture now and the father nowhere to be seen anymore due to work, he was at home taking care of himself and making sure he got fed when he was hungry. He cleaned the house every day to make sure his father proud.

As the sun had risen from its slumber, the teen had awoken from his rest. His eyes opened to the sun gleaming in through his windows. Jacob got up out of his bed, his dark brown hair was scruffy like he had just woken up on the wrong side of the bed. The male had only worn boxers to bed due to the summer heat and the lack of cool air circulating around his bedroom, he would've had his fan turned on but there was no room in his bedroom for his fan. Instead he left the fan in his father's room where it would be chilly and not so muggy. Unlike his father, he was a clean, tidy young boy and only cared about the house being clean and tidy.

Jacob went to the bathroom and took his boxers off, he looked at himself in the mirror staring at his green hazelnut eyes. His father always said he looked more like his mother than he did his father but he could never see the resemblance. Jacob turned the shower on to a cold setting, which was just right for his body. He let the water hit his hair and pushed his undercut hair backwards feeling what was once oily hair turn into soggy hair. Shampoo squirted into his hands and ran through his hair, scrubbing it in good. He could smell the strawberry and banana scent of the shampoo in the air. He had always loved the smell of strawberries and his mother loved to eat bananas so this was a good combo for him.
Finally wetting and scrubbing the shampoo out of his hair he rubbed his body with mango scented body wash and was happy that he was going to smell like fresh fruits and not stink like something that came out of the trash. The male finally got out of the shower and wrapped a clean towel around his waist and pushed his soaked hair backwards out of his face. He left the bathroom and fetched some clean clothes out of his Chester draws.

Preparing his clothes, he dried of his body with the towel that was already secured around his waist. His body now clean, he slid on a clean pair of black boxers on and got fully clothed. He was wearing plain casual clothes. A white fitted T-shirt , ripped skinny jeans and black vans with white stripes across both sides of the shoes. He looked over at his bedside table and heard a familiar theme song from his phone sing out, he walked over to the phone and picked it up with a small smile on his face. Although he rarely ever showed his emotions he could always be seen with a glint of fire in his eyes. On the screen of his phone, he saw his father's name and nodded to himself knowing that he would finally be able to speak to his dad that he hadn't seen in a week. The male pressed the green circled answer button and had a hint of happiness in the tone of his voice.

"Hey dad, what are you calling me for, shouldn't you be at work ?"

He was overwhelmed with joy but he composed himself and walked towards the kitchen to get himself some breakfast. His stomach growled waiting for his dad's response. He poured some Coco Pops into a bowl with his name engraved into the side, he nodded to himself placing it on the wooden table. Grabbing his blue milk from his fridge he opened the lid and poured some milk into the bowl, watching the Coco Pops float to the rim of the bowl.

"Jacob, my dear son... I need you to go upstairs into the loft and find my old books. You need to make sure that everything is there and that you don't miss a single book. There should be 8 books in the set if you find any books missing, call me or call your uncle immediately! That is if I don't answer your call."

His father stated clearly and sounded calm and relaxed, yet Jacob knew that something was wrong deep down in his heart. Why would he say that? why would he have to search the loft for some old books? All he had to do now is follow his dad's order and find those books like he was asked to. Jacob nodded and replied with "Yes father" before hanging up and finishing his cereal. The male placed his bowl in the sink and decided to clean it when he was finished finding those books and had more cutlery to clean. Walking away, he went upstairs passed his bedroom and onto the second floor to the loft. Jacob rattled the rusted, golden oval door knobs and heard a sudden click. To his surprise the door wasn't rusted shut. Judging by the looks of the door, it hadn't been opened in many century's. As the door slowly creaked opened by its own, a sudden wind of grey dust blew into his face like a fan had been spinning its head around blowing the dust everywhere none stop. He coughed constantly, waving his right hand sideways in front of his face trying to get the dust to get out of his way and make the thick heavy air less dense. He crept forward waving his hand around looking for the light switch he rested his hand on the wall and hummed to himself, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and turned on the flash. As he did he shined it on a tall figure in the corner of the loft closest him and suddenly jumped backwards finding out the figure as a stuffed bear.

"Why does father own a stuffed bear, the least he could do is get rid of it or throw it away. How creepy!!"

Jacob shined the light on the wall and found the light switch and pulled on the string, pulling down on it a few times the light slowly shifted from a dim light to a bright light. Turning his flash off he looked around and placed his phone back into his back trouser pocket. Rummaging around through the loft he found a stack of boxes in the corner of the room. his hands moved to open the boxes and pulled out a red leathered book with the number '7' on the spine. There was no other design on the book other than a signatured letter on the front cover. He couldn't make out what he said but he it was someone's handwriting. His mind rushed to the thought that this is one of the books that his dad must've been talking about especially since it had a number on it which could be from the sequel. The male pulled another stack of books out and had seen that they were from the same set. Except one of the books had scratches all over the front cover and wasn't as dirty as the rest of the books.

In a hot minute a blue mist could be seen running from the box it appeared in front of the old brown cardboard box. It started to shimmer in the light and a dark red gremlin could be seen, he stepped forward holding a staff whilst eyeing the book then looking up at the young boy with a scowl.

"What are you doing holding those grimoires. They are not yours, you do not need them human! You may have woken me up from my slumber but I am sworn to protect those grimoires on my life."

This creature spoke in a different language compared to the human language, but somehow the teenager could translate everything the monster was saying into his own. He was shaking his head and looked down at the books with a confused stare.

'This monster said it was a grimoire but... it doesn't look like anything out of those witchcraft series I watch on TV. Maybe this creature is lying and it isn't a grimoire.'

He was deep in thought and was just staring of into space. One thing has shook him though. This Gremlin looked like something he had dreamed about every night. Little did the teen know, this creature was about to show him a world he had forgotten about.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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