Chapter 2☆The Day I Met Him

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Alyssa's pov
Today was the day that we were moving I am so excited omg lol
anyways today I woke up at 5am because I needed to get ready finish packing and check if my brother's things were packed my room was still the same becuse we aren't taking nothing just extra clothes the rest we will buy there,Right now I was showering after I got out I started doing my other things I was still deciding what to wear becuse there were to options.

Option 1

Option 2

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Option 2

You guys can choose which one you want :D

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You guys can choose which one you want :D

Alyssa's pov
I picked my outfit and took all my things downstairs when I went downstairs my dads assistant Mia was there she was like a mom to me and Adonis so like she is like family I went to the kitchen and took a kit kat out of the pantry and ate it,After I finished eating I went upstairs to my brothers room to see him awake just staring at the TV lmao

"Hey child get out of bed don't just stare at tv"
*He jumped because he was scared lol and just looked at me like I just ruined his life*
"Are you just gonna stay there staring at me"
"Girl bye"he said
*I just laughed and went to get his clothes at his closet*
Right now he was showering so I decided to go check on my dad to see if he is awake because we leave at 7:30am I went to his room and he said come in

"Hey Dad"
"Hi loser what do you want now"he asked
"Nothing just came to your room to annoy you"I said while jumping on his bed.
"Girl get out of my room I want to dress"he said
"Okay bye ugly dad"he just looked at me like bish wtf 💀

Skip to when we got to the new house and LA

Alyssa's pov
We were getting in this gated community that was pretty cool it had shops,park and a pool area we got to the new house and it was beautiful I can't even describe it I just ran up to my room and ugh it perfect this house was huge omfg

Alyssa's povWe were getting in this gated community that was pretty cool it had shops,park and a pool area we got to the new house and it was beautiful I can't even describe it I just ran up to my room and ugh it perfect this house was huge omfg

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Just The Two Of Us//Bronny JamesWhere stories live. Discover now