Chapter 30: it's me eneli talking about tumoasd :D

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okay. so that's it. we're done. man even starting to write this is hard, so let's do the easier bits first.

clearing up tumoasd- just making sure everyone understands this rather confusing plot lmao.

as you may have realised the first scene of the first chap is essentially the last scene of the 'symphony' series- a series which is a prequel to tumoasd. but what really went on? well, there are hints throughout the symphony series that the world tommy lives in, isn't one of peace. essentially, a war broke out and tommy and his family were part of the victims. what the war was about, who the parties were, etc. you can decide.

but what is tumoasd? so it starts with tommy dying, that's the first scene and we (you lmao not me) believe that tommy is saved. what actually happened was that tommy created a... limbo, for lack of better words. as the title says 'tommyinnit's unbeatable method of avoiding sudden death' - tommy is unable to cope with his death and his families, because of how sudden it was, so his coping mechanism is essentially creating a limbo where he's in control and everything is how he wants it to be, or well, close.

so tommy creates a world that is similar to the cartoons he watched. hence why each chapter has an episodic tone to it, with a beginning, middle and end. hence the catchphrases and things that just wouldn't make sense outside of a make belief world.

tommy is also not sixteen. he's twelve. but in this world, that he can do whatever with, he ages himself up, to be older, to seem cooler like the superheroes he'd seen on tv. i think this is an important plot point because it explains his behaviour. tommy doesn't really act like a sixteen year old, he's pretty selfish and self-centred, tending to only care about his immediate family and friends. he's irrational at times and makes nonsense decisions. he swears excessively just because he can. he's bratty and expects to get his way even when he's in the wrong and most of all he craves attention like a child would. i made his personality that way intentionally.

clementine is tommy's guardian angel, and she's meant to guide him to the afterlife or whatever comes next (up to interpretation) however tommy refuses to leave his self imposed limbo and so it creates a tension between them.

throughout tumoasd tommy actually experiences the five stages of grief. he's mostly in denial up until chap 7 (when clementine first tries to reach him). at this stage, the story is a lot more coherent and it follows him actually being a vigilante. when his denial is broken, tommy panics and his focus changes to become more family based as he starts to realise that he doesn't have much time left hence why it starts to focus more around sbi. chap 15 is when he reaches the anger stage, the plot starts to derail even more until it doesn't really make sense. chap 22 is bargaining and chap 24 represents the depression stage where tommy starts to realise there is nothing he can do. chap 26 is him reaching acceptance. a somewhat key point is that tommy keeps reverting back to denial which is why he frequently states that "grief has five stages and they don't always happen in order".

so yeah.

now the main question is who is clementine? i think most of you have already kinda guessed. so i have this belief, or well idea? it's something my family always told me. and it's that when you die, your ancestors are there to guide you to the afterlife, and i really like that. if you haven't read symphony series, you wouldn't know, but tommy's mum died early on when he was a baby.

clementine is tommy's mother

lmao. the irony, right? it's funny because tommy constantly calls the fish his daughter.

the clementine in tumoasd is both tommy's mum and a figment of his imagination, because in tommy's world, everything is morphed to fit his way of thinking and the way he wants it. so he makes a fish called clementine and that's not actually his mum, but it is. if that makes sense? she's trying to guide him through this limbo but she's not actually there with him because tommy won't allow it, so clementine gets brief moments to talk with him - the cutscene chapters.

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