Chapter 13

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Landos POV
"Oh come on I'm your brother just tell me if she likes me." I say for the hundredth time. "No I don't know if she likes you." Flo says. "Of course you know I heard you two talking about it yesterday." "Fine, she doesn't like you ok? Now leave me alone!" She yells. I just say nothing. "Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell but it was just so annoying to keep hearing that question." She says "No I get it it's fine." "Don't be upset, I don't know for sure she doesn't like you, it's just complicated." We decided to go to the cafeteria to get some food.

Flo and I are standing in line. When she suddenly starts waving. I look up and see Ashley and Charles standing in the door opening. She's wearing Charles his jacket. Maybe Charles was right and she does like him. Flo asks them to come stand with us, but I really don't wanna speak to Charles he is such an asshole. Unfortunately there already on their way here.

"Hey guys." Flo says. "Hey babe." Ashley says to Flo. "Hey loser, how are you doing?" She asks me. "I'm fine." I say irritated. "Wow someone's cranky." She says. I just sigh and look away. I can't stand seeing them together.

Ashley's POV
Lando is acting really weird today but whatever. When we get our food we sit down. The whole vibe at the table is just awkward. When we finish our food Charles gets up. "I'm gonna go, you wanna come with Ash?" He asks. I look at Lando and see him rolling his eyes. "Uhm yeah alright." I say. We say bye to them and walk away. While we're walking I text Flo.

Ashley: meet me at the harbor in 30 minutes.
Flo: yeah sure see you there.

I just wanna ask her what's wrong with Lando cause he never acts like this.

I just talk to Charles for some time and then head to the harbor.

Flo is already sitting there. "Hey, what did you  wanna talk about." She asks. "What's wrong with Lando, he's been acting a little weird today." "Yeah I maybe accidentally told him you didn't like him. But in my defense you did say that if he wouldn't shut up about it I should say that." "So is he mad now or what?" I ask. "No I think he's just sad." We talk for a little more and then realize that the race is starting in 1 hour. So we go back to the circuit.

Even tough hes mad at me I decide to still wish Lando good luck. When I walk up to his pit box I see him talking and laughing with a girl. I walk up to them. "Hi I'm Ashley nice to meet you." I say to the girl while putting my hand out. "I'm Cleo Albon, Alex's sister." I look at Lando. "Is this your new girl?" I asks. "What do you mean new, who is the old girl?" He asks. I just look at him. "Well anyway I just wanted to wish you luck for the race." "Thanks." He says shortly and goes on talking to the girl as if I'm not even there. I just sigh and walk away. While I'm walking away I still hear them laughing and shit. Why is he even talking to that girl? She isn't even that pretty.

I'm just gonna see how Max is doing and walk to the Red Bull garage. "Bold move walking into the Red Bull garage with an Ferrari jacket on." I hear behind me. When I turn around I see Max. "Oh relax I was just cold and Charles offered me his jacket." "Are you still cold." "Yes." "Wait let me get you a proper jacket." He comes back with a Red Bull jacket. "Here wear this. I'm sure Christian won't like it if he sees you wearing the enemies jacket." "Fine." I say while grabbing the jacket. When I have it on I decide to return Charles his jacket after the race.

Max has a great start and everything goes alright. The end is a bit exiting but at the end we where very happy with the results. Max P2 and Charles P1. I run into Charles his arms and hug him. "Congrats I'm so proud of you." I say. "Thanks baby, I did it for you." He says while winking. We just laugh. "I have to go to Max I'll see you in a bit." I say while running to Max. "Congratulations Maxie you did great I'm proud of you." I say while hugging him. "Thankyou for being here I couldn't have done it without you." We just talk for a bit until he has to go to the podium for the Champaign.

After everything is done I see Charles. "Here I still have your jacket." I say while handing it to him. "Nah keep it, it looks better on you anyway." I just smile. "So are we still going to have dinner?" He asks. "Yes of course." I say. "Great come on." We get into his car and drive to the restaurant.

When we get to the restaurant we get out of the car. "Wow fancy place." I say. "Yeah only the best for you." He says while smiling. There's so much paparazzi here it's so annoying, my eyes hurt from the flashes. We order drinks and food and oh my god the food is amazing.

When we finish the food Max calls me. "It's Max is it okey if I answer this." I asks. "Yeah of course."
"What's up" I asks. "There's a party here you and Charles should come!!" He screams trying to be louder then the music. "Wait let me asks Charles." I say. "There's a party and Max asks if we want to come." I say. "Yeah if you want to, I'm always down to party." "Where is it?" I asks Max. "I'll text you the address see you soon." He says and hangs up.

Few minutes later Max texts the address. "Do you know where this is." I say while holding up the phone to Charles. "Yes it's very close to here, let's go." Charles lives here so he knows where everything is.

We drive up to where the party is and get out of the car. There is a bouncer at the door. "You have to be 18 to get in here show me your ID." He says. I look at Charles and say "I'm only 17." "Look mate she's almost 18 just let her in." He looks at us for a few seconds and then sighs "alright fine. But don't tell anyone." "We won't Thankyou sir have a nice evening." I say while grabbing Charles hand and we walk inside.

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