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Sweet Daily Life With Rich Fool Husband Chapter 31:
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Su Wanwan took a deep breath and calmed down. Ignoring Jiang Chengzhan who was shouting outside, he opened his notebook.

The first page.

Jiang Chengzhan's diary:

"I think I'm good or bad. I bullied my wife and cried last night. She hugged me and said no, no, I still can't stop..."

Su Wanwan held the diary in one hand, raised his neck, and patted his forehead with the other. What kind of thing is this, Xiao Huangwen?

He also bullied her and cried. Why didn't he cry when he was bullied?

"...My wife cried out of tears, but it hurts so much, I can't stop..."

I still know it hurts, but I can't stop it, how can he, how can he...

Su Wan gritted his teeth angrily, he was really embarrassed to write.

"...Later I wanted to stop, but my wife said that she was comfortable again, saying that she was so comfortable, and told me not to stop, not to stop, I don't know if I should stop or not.

I wanted to ask my aunt today, but a lot of things happened and I forgot about it.

Also, my wife scratched my back, and it still hurts to take a bath this morning. I feel so hard now. I pretend to be a family tonight. What if my wife says it hurts?

But my wife's waist is so soft, I really like it.

My wife’s mouth is so sweet, I really want to keep kissing.

I was going to kiss my wife this morning. She said that she could not kiss during the day, but only at night. It was already dark. I will go to my wife to kiss after I finish writing.

She only kissed my forehead just now. I feel so happy. If my wife kisses me every day, then I will be the happiest gem in the world.

Late wife, Zhanbao likes you so much. "

Su Wanwan's complexion got worse as she watched, but fortunately the last sentence made her feel a little bit softer, and her emotions finally calmed down.

The second page:

"Today, my wife didn't give me a kiss. My wife said that her aunt would not be able to kiss her. She said that she would give me a baby in the future, just like me.

I want a baby, but I still want to kiss him.

My wife’s mouth is so sweet, like jelly, I don’t kiss enough every time.

Also, every night when I go to bed, when I kiss my wife, my little brother will get up.

If my wife doesn't kiss me, I will feel bad. "

Further on:

"Zhanbao feels cheated by his wife today. The wife said she wanted to plant the sperm in the soil, but the aunt clearly said that I planted it in her belly.

I don’t know who’s right. If I ask my aunt, what if my wife is upset?

Anyway, if there is no baby in the autumn, my wife is lying to me, hum, Zhan Bao will definitely ignore her by then. "

Su Wanwan no longer knows how to describe her feelings, and the more she looks at her, the more irritated her heart is. What are these things written?

Every day, I watched him lie down under the light and write diary intently, but did he write some of this to her?

What's the wife's waist is so soft, and the wife's mouth is so sweet.

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