when she uses her baby voice for the first time

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Perrie had a day off.It felt like she hadn't had one in ages but you both knew she was off 3 days ago. You and her made the most of the day, you both stayed in bed until 12, had breakfast in bed, you both made your own pizza, (Perrie burned hers so she shared with you) you went to the beach, (surprisingly not being papped) and came home and watched titanic. You both decide to binge the whole series of the search. During an advert, Perrie cuddles up to you and whispers in the cutest voice you've ever heard in your life,

  "I want da cuddlez"

You pretend to not hear her but deep down inside your the happiest you've been in a long time.

"What did you say my love?" 

And she says it again, this time even more cuter.

"Perrie wants y/n to give her da cuddlez" You give her a warm smile and give her the best cuddles and kisses you've ever given anyone ever. 

1 hour went by. Your still cuddling as tight as you where an hour ago. You tried to get up to get some water, but Perrie held onto you tighter.

"Where do you think you're going mrs?"

"No-where without you" 

I replied, picking her up and carrying her to the fridge to get water.

"That's what I like to hear"

And for the rest of the night, we watched the search and fell asleep on the sofa. It was one of the best sleeps I've had in a while.

A/N: Leave suggestions in comments for future imagines pls and ty.

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