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            When I was thirteen, I may or my not have had a crush on Rider. He flirted with me a few times and I thought that maybe he might like me. But then I caught him making out with my best friend, who knew I liked him. After that, I cut everyone out and up went the walls. And to be honest I'm glad I got away from all of that. Too much drama to my already soapy life.

"Hiya, Chels."

"Don't call me that."

He runs a hand through his bleach blonde hair and looks at me with his ocean blue eyes,"Come on. Don't be like that."

I sigh,"What do you want, Rider?"

He looks at my new ...acquaintance,"Who is this?"

"This is Evrhett. Rhett, this is Rider Bane."

Rhett offers his hand,"Hello."

Rider stares at it for a moment and slowly takes it before shaking it,"Nice to meet you. I don't believe I've seen you around before."

Uh oh.

Rhett leans back against the wall and goes into a position that makes him seem ...bored? "I was sent up here to meet with a potintial friend." He smirks at me,"I, however, was not informed that I was going to be meeting such a beauty as well."

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and look down, blushing. Did he just call me beautiful? He's probably just being polite or puting on a show for Rider or something.

Rider nods,"She does look sexy tonight."

Why did I ever like this guy? He never says that a girl is beautiful, or gorgeous, or even pretty. It's always hot or sexy. Ugh.

I roll my eyes,"How would dear old Audrey feel about you talking to another girl?"

He scoffs,"She wouldn't be able to say anything since we broke up last week."

I shove my glee down at that. "Finally realize that she's too big a bitch for even you to be attracted to?"

He nods,"Yes. I realized that fifteen-year-old me made a major mistake." He looks up at me with a look that tells me the words hidden between the lines.

Oh no. I got over him years ago but he knows all the ways to talk me into any thing. And I hate to admit it but, he's fine. I have to find a way out of this. Now. Before he messes with my head.

Rhett rests his arm of my shoulders,"Alas, that's the troubles of young love. It often changes, as do the people. That is why I have waited until I can meet an woman who suits me." He winks at me,"Isn't that right, Ace?"

Or maybe Rhett's got me covered. Huh.

I lean into him,"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Rhett."

Rider's eyes widen for a moment before he composes himself,"You have a good point, Mr. Sebastian. Now, if you will excuse me, I must make my rounds." He turns and hurries away. Thank God, because I last maybe thirty seconds before a laugh tumbles out of me and Rhett joins me.

"Did you see his face," I say as I gasp for air.

"It was priceless. I don't think I've ever seen a guy so panicked."

I snort because I'm laughing so hard,"I wish I had a picture." I pull myself together after a few minutes,"Thank you, by the way."

"It's nothing. Dude seemed like he has no class."

I roll my eyes,"None whatsoever."

He nods,"Besides, us cadets have to stick together. And who knows, maybe you'll end up on my team, so I need to make a good impression."

I smile,"Well so far, you're not doing too shabby."

He chuckles,"Good." Music begins to play and he smirks at me again,"May I have this dance?" He bows ridiculously and offers his hand.

Maybe things will be a little different now. If everyone is like this (wherever I'm going) then maybe I'll enjoy it.

I sigh dramatically and take his hand, smiling,"I suppose. We have to keep this charade don't we?"

He laughs and leads us onto the floor,"Perhaps I have other motives." He winks as he places a hand on my hip.

I roll my eyes but follow his lead as he spins us around the floor. He's really good! I actually don't remember the last time I danced with someone, much less a boy. I begin to hum along to the song and I hear Rhett join me. He dips me and I laugh. Then I notice my mother looking for me by the front door. I say good bye to Rhett, who says he'll see me soon. Then I make my way to my mother she smiles at me.

"Who was that boy you were dancing with?"

"His name is Evrhett."

"Have you met him before?"

"No ma'am. He is visiting on a business trip."

Might as well keep his story. It's actually one that keeps people from asking too many questions. He definitely has practice.

"Oh. Well I was speaking to Rider's mother, Destiny, and we thought that we could go to that play on Broadway that comes next month together. Maybe Rider could come over and you two can 'hang out'." She makes air quotes with her fingers.

"That sounds excellent, Mother."

No use in fighting with her about it considering it's not going to happen. Also, add this to the long list of reasons to hate my mother.

As we walk to our limos, I realize something. "Did you see Father?"

Mother nods,"Yes he will be joining us at home shortly. He has to speak to Ian."

Ian is my father's business partner who my mother has slept with on countless occasions.

I nod and get into my limo once Mr. Jackson opens my door for me.

"Thank you."

He starts up the car and smiles at me,"You are welcome, m'dear. Did you have a nice time?"

I smile,"Yes I did. I also met Mr. Evrhettt Sebastian."

Mr. Jackson laughs,"That boy is a hoot. I was unaware that he was going to be there tonight."

I shrug,"He said he was sent to make sure that I didn't let anything slip."

He nods,"Sounds right." He glances at me,"Are you ready?"

"My mother is basically setting me up with Rider. If I had any qualms, they're gone now."

"Good. I have high hopes for you."

I smile and lean back in my seat. I have two people who have confidence in me. It's a nice feeling. Now I have to show them that they are right.

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