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"What happened between you and Donkey?" Shrek asked, in a low and stern tone.

"Nothing? What do you mean?" asked Fiona.

"I heard you two last night,"

"What do you mean? What did you hear? Where did you hear us?"

"In my own bed! You were squirting your swamp water all over that donkey!" exclaimed Shrek.

Fiona was at a loss of words, Shrek had found out that Donkey had pleased her last night. She didn't expect Shrek to find out, but she didn't care - she was done with him, for good.

"Get out of my house, this instant!"

"I was already planning to, I'll be living with Donkey from now on."

"Good for you!"

Shrek sat on his bed, staring at a white stain Donkey had left on the sheets. Not only had Fiona betrayed him, Donkey had too. He was supposed to be Shrek's best friend, his wing man, his ride or die (quite literally on the "ride" part) all he had now was... himself, and his emotions. His emotions were like a forgotten and stale potion in a cauldron, still bubbling, bubbling with anger, with hatred, and fear.

There was a whisper in Shrek's head, it was not of his own voice - it was raspy and harsh, much like an old man's. The voice was giving him a quest, a quest to achieve greater power, power that not many had wielded. Shrek gave up, he let his greed feed on him him. After all, he had nothing to lose, since he had already lost everything that he once cared about.

"Come to me... My dear boy, and I will show something far better than love or attachment. I am in need of a new apprentice, and I see that you have lost your way. I shall help you find your path and place again, and much more." the voice said.

Shrek felt like something untamed within him came to life, he felt something coursing through his veins. It wasn't adrenaline, it was something else, something out of this world. As he got up from his bed, he felt stronger than he ever had before. Perhaps this could be a start of something, and with that...

He went off to find this voice, and to find power.

To find...

A new path.

That wraps up the first chapter of my crossover fanfic. I know this chapter was short but I promise the next one will be longer. And, yes, this is satire... or is it?

Anyways, bye, I have 69 children to attend to in my basement.

pls excuse my shit writing ok?????

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