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I was in my math class when yet another person I knew died.

He had been sitting at the desk on my right.

His name had been Chris Baxter, and he had choked on the gum that he wasn't supposed to be chewing in the first place.

We had all been listening to Mr. Sawyer drone on about fractions when we heard Chris gasping for air.

"Shit.", I muttered.

I scrambled up to help Chris, but tripped over my chair.

"Someone call an ambulance!", Molly Hester, the girl behind me called.

"What ya gonna do this time, Phil?", the boy to my left asked.

No one reacted to his question, because no one heard him.

No one except me, that is.

No one could see or hear him except me.

I chose to ignore him, because I was convinced that he was a figure on my imagination, despite him claiming to be a ghost.

I had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, since I saw and heard things that no one else did.

I got up from off the floor, and rushed to help Chris.

By the time I was there, his face was turning blue.

I touched his chest, preparing to do CPR when it happened.

He died.

"This can't be happening.", I whispered.

But it was.

I wasn't in shock because Chris had died. No, I was used to people dying.

I was shocked because I saw him (or something that looked like him) leave his body.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten like my doctor had told me to do.

But when I opened my eyes, Chris was still there, looking down at his own body with a horrified look on his face.

His once blue eyes showed nothing but terror.

Several people cried, and one person fainted.

The person who fainted was me.

Because even though people in my life died all the time, I had never seen it happen, much less seen their supposed spirit leave their body.

Authors Note: Hi, just wanted to say, this book is not intended to offend anyone in any way. Also, this book in no way reflects my own religious beliefs. This is just from my imagination, and is being written for fun.
If you get offended by the following, this isn't the book for you, and you should find something else to read: mild swearing, major character death, blood, and gore.

This book is Rated Mature because of possible gore and language. Not for any other adult themes.

Also, the characters in this book are fictional. Any similarities between the characters and real people are coincidental.

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