XIV ⋆ Murky Waters of Control

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"Are you still worried about first period Blossom? Don't worry, that was just first class, and Dowling was practically a class A dick so you shouldn't be so worried." I say, my eyes flickering back and forth from Bloom's worried expression and the book Sam gave me.

I lay a hand on her, tightening slightly in hopes of getting my point across. "It was just the first day and it's not like we were that bad. I mean what both of us could do together, was pretty badass."

Bloom gives me a small smile, her thoughts still elsewhere but present if not just for a few minutes. I squeeze her hand again, "Seriously, there's nothing you should be worried about, it was only our first day and you know first days are always sucky, it's like a right of passage." I gesture, plucking some mashed potatoes from her plate.

"Yeah, I guess that was pretty amazing." Bloom chuckles slightly, eating some of the food she left untouched on her plate. "Stop taking my food!" She laughs, her spoon pointed at me in mock offense.

We laugh as I try to pluck some more food from her plate. I mean if she isn't gonna eat it, who will? "We don't have house-elfs here, just let me have some more."

I managed to pick a piece of something and quickly stuff it in my mouth with a grin, while Bloom playfully stuck her tongue out, proceeding to eat her food as fast as she could before I decided to come for it again.

Our giggles continued for a while before dissipating into a comfortable silence. Her eyes darted to our new table companion Terra, with her tray mostly filled with vegetarian options... Isn't that cannibalism?

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