Late Nights

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"Wait." I said, grabbing Marinette's forearm in my hand, stopping her. Her muscles surprised me before I remembered she was Ladybug and, of course, she had strength from being a superhero. She turned to glance at me over her shoulder and I break out of my daze.

"What is it?" She asks, glancing down at my hand and I realize I didn't take it back. I hesitated for a second before removing it.

"I... didn't plan on going home so soon." I admit, fiddling with my fingers. I look up to find her smiling at me, understanding on her face. Not even thinking twice about it, she grabs a hold of my hand and pulls me towards the elevator.

"What are you...?" I trail off. I watch her press the button for the lobby and smile.

"I don't really want to go home either."

"Then why-?"

"To be alone, silly. Kitty, we just revealed our identities and haven't had a chance to talk since this morning. I don't know about you but I've been dying to get you alone." I quirk a playful eyebrow at her as her face turns bright red and she covers it with her hands. "Ugh! No! I didn't mean-"

I removed her hands and quickly pressed my lips to hers. I could feel her surprise and I pulled away, smirking.

"Calm down. I've been wanting to get you alone all day as well." Her face grew redder and I laughed, pulling her close and kissing her again. She pressed her body against mine and wrapped her arms around my neck.

We finally broke apart when we heard the elevator bell ding and separated, but leaving our hands intertwined. When the doors opened, we let go of each other and walked out. Good thing, too, as Chloe stood in front of the doors, phone to her ear.

She grimaced when she saw Marinette and smiled when she saw me. She walked in between us, bumping against Marinette as she passed. Marinette and I watched Chloe walk into the elevator and blow a kiss at me. We waited until the doors closed to crack a smile at each other.

Together, we made our way out of the hotel and began walking down the street together, sharing a secret smile. I could feel my hand trying to catch hold of hers and felt her hand brush against mine. Knowing I couldn't take this much longer, I grabbed her arm and pulled her into an alley.

"Adrien, what-?"

"Can we please transform and go somewhere? Please! I'd like to kiss you again, M'Lady." I added softly, letting my head rest against hers. I watched her eyes close and her lips let out a small sigh.

"Where to, Kitty?" She asked with a small smile on her face. Grinning, I kissed her softly on the forehead and kissed her nose.

"I love you." I tell her. She blushes and I smile lovingly at her.

In no time at all, Ladybug and Chat Noir are making their way across Paris, playing a little game of 'Who Can Get There First?'. A little secret? She won, but we don't talk about that. I landed on the top of the Eiffel Tower and she turned back to smirk at me, triumphantly.

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes, tucking my stick away. She holds up her hands.

"Hey, I'm not the one who instigated the challenge." She says, obviously trying to hold back a smile. I grin at her and walk up, taking her in my arms. I lean down and notice a smile creep onto her face right before our lips meet.

I had kissed her before but the other times all seemed so rushed. This time, we took it slow, only separating when we needed to breathe. We gasped in each others breath, panting. I gazed down into her eyes and found her gazing back.

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