A Monster

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They turn their back on things they can't understand, all except one.

Comet's point of view
    Time went by quickly, days turned into weeks, those weeks into months. I learned everything about this world, but nothing about me. I learned about this strange world... especially the Steves.
    Red represents wisdom, Orange mind, Yellow energy, Green life, Blue is soul, Indigo is magic and Violet is connection. At least that's what they say. They are still learning about themselves so they might be wrong... in fact from me becoming friends with them I see them as something different. I think Orange is creativity, Green is health and Indigo is Connection, but Violet is Love. Blue is more spirit than soul to me....
    My friends don't like my idea though.
    I told them about it and they pushed it down immediately. Popular Indigo, Nerd Red, and Plant Green. Not the group of Steves you think would be friends but they act like they do.
    They really like to take notice of how different I am. How I look different for being female instead of male. How my eyes are funny and when I accidentally talk in my old voice they laugh. It hurts a little when they laugh at me.... But I guess this is what friends are like right?
    I sometimes ask them to help me study, but they always refuse. Nerd says that he is doing his own research. Popular always has plans with other Steves and Plant Steve is already busy with the fields.
    Galaxy Steve is busier than Origin Steve. He has a lot of work to do and makes sure he stays on top of it. It's always fun when he comes over. I try to learn about everything about the worlds he explores and loves.
    When Origin isn't working he is teaching me. He even taught me how to communicate to the gods he calls the Nothing and the Everything. A white candle to sunrise in the summer and a black candle towards the sunset in the winter. He calls it true east and true west.
    That was what I was doing right now. Trying to talk to them. Trying to ask for help, but as always I got nothing. They don't talk to me... I lowered my hand from the smoke floating in the air. I sighed and blew out the two candles in the room. I looked at the time to see I finished all my research early this morning. I think Popular, Nerd, and Plant won't mind me coming early.
    I opened a window to clear the smoke out of the room before leaving. I grab my small black bag and adjust my pastel rainbow dress. I moved some of my long black hair out of my face. It was always strange that I had random streaks of white in my hair. I looked at my feet dirty from never wearing shoes, but I always preferred not to wear them. They are uncomfortable to me.
    I left the main building in the town. Origin's home and the library/meeting hall. I need to ask why he wanted to live in a place like this when he could have easily made his own house. I made sure to close the door once I got outside. It was going to be a nice day.
    The sun was out with a few clouds in the sky. It wasn't as hot as they say it usually is. They say it's because Autumn is almost here. They say it's why Plant have been so busy lately. He is making sure the Steves have enough food for winter. It doesn't snow here, but it is difficult to grow crops during winter. At least that's what I have heard. I came to this world in the middle of spring.
    I walk through the busy town. I see all these Steves doing their normal routine. If everything was going to plan my friends would be by the water fountain around this time. I made my way over saying hello to some Steves I saw as they passed by. None of them waved back.
    Origin was going to meet up with me today saying he had a special project he was working on. Well he said he would meet up with me next week. Which is today.
    I got to the fountain. A simple circle with water rushing out and to the ground around them. It's not just for beauty though. It's a water source we use for this town. This is our largest one and in the middle of this town.
    "How much longer do we have to do this for?" Popular Indigo said to Plant Green.
    "Until she gets some friends." Plant said. I was confused. What do they mean? They are my friends? We've been friends since I've come to this world. Well almost I was introduced to them by Origin. He introduced me to most of the steves in this town.
    "We don't want Origin to get upset." Nerd adds to their conversation.
    "He ignores everything about her. The energy she has makes it hard to be around her... it's scary..." Plant mumbles. My energy? What are they talking about?
    "It's intimidating. Too intimidating. Some Steves even say it's stronger than Origin's energy." Popular Steve whispered loudly to them.
    "That can't be true! No one is stronger than Origin." Nerd says. I felt sick... Is this really true?
    "And her eyes are so freaky. I can't even look her in the eyes." Plant mumbled as he shakes in fear.
    "And her voice! Don't get me started on it. Comet speaks in that voice... I felt like my ears were going to bleed." Popular rubs his ears as if they hurt just thinking about it.
    "It would be better if she just left this town already!" Plant said angrily. Popular and Nerd both agreed. Some other Steves were nearby and those who heard Plant agreed with him.
    I took a deep breath trying to make this sick feeling in my stomach go away. It didn't help much... Maybe I should just leave for now... I left the main square without being seen.
    I went back to the library and looked at all the books I was reading before. Maybe the answer of what I was isn't in these books... maybe the answer of what I am isn't in a book... maybe it's in the people I care about...
    I am... a monster...
    I left the library and went into my room. I looked through the few things I had. I had some spare fabric I could make some clothes out of. I took out a dark brown piece of fabric and put it over my eyes. I could see through the fabric but not very well. I looked in the mirror... my eyes are perfectly hidden from the fabric...
    I don't like it... but maybe the other Steves will. I tied it around my head and let my arms drop. It was hard to see... but I think I'll get used to it.
    I heard the door creak open in my room. I turned my head to see who it was.
    "Comet? What are you doing?" I felt nervous.
    Origin Steve.
(Words 1214)

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