the actually date

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Enderlox: it's ok your alright you can do this *knocks on door*
Enderlee: COMING! *runs to door wearing purple and black dress with crown* hey
Enderlox: oh hey umm you l-look beautiful heh 0////0
Enderlee: o-oh thank y-you, you look stunning as well 0////0
Enderlox: umm I think we should
Enderlee: go yea lets go to the restaurant but how do we not get caught?
Enderlox: *holds up potion* this should last us 3 hours that's just enough time :)
Enderlee: oh good lets fly there first *flys upward*
Enderlox: way ahead of YA! *flys really fast*
Enderlee: OH NO YOU DONT! *flys ahead* YAAA HOOOO
*2 hours and 50 min later*
Enderlee: wow who knew I would like pasta
Enderlox: I guess it's time for desert *smirking*
Enderlee: I thought we weren't get- *gets kissed* 0/////0
Enderlox: *closes eyes and stops* heh *potion wears off*
*screams throughout the restaurant*
Enderlee: HURRY IT WORE OFF! *grabs Enderlox hands and flys out*
Enderlox: WHOA! *flys out* OMG!
Enderlee: that's was close
Enderlox: y-yea
Enderlee: tonight was great
Enderlox: yea sorry about u know kissing you like that
Enderlee:oh it's fine
Enderlox: oh c-cool
Enderlee: *kisses cheak* cya tomorrow *flys off giggling*
Enderlox: *stares in shock* HAHA! WOO HOOO! *flys off*
(Next day)
Enderlee: *yawn* what's U-
Enderlox: TURN ON TV!
Enderlee: umm ok *turns TV on*
News girl: later last night 2 we think a boy and girl had a strange feature to them, people say they saw wings tails and even claws what could these creature be? They soon flew out the window and weren't spotted again
Enderlee: 0,0 *facepalms*

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