Left but never forgotten, Part1:

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It's late at night and Olivia is helping me un pack the rest of my boxes that sit in the room. Desperate for attention. "All done, I got to head back" as Olivia walks delicately out the door across to her dorm room. Where her stuff lays un packed, Her room's more alive than anything I have seen. "Night" I whisper as the door closes and I'm left in an empty room alone.I sit on my messy bed. Fidgeting with my phone that's cracked up and down on the screen.I lay down resting my head on my pillow, As the door swings open. A girl stands in the entrance holding her phone in one hand, And bag in the other. She's so distracted on her phone she dosent notice me. "Hello, You must be my roommate" I add. Getting the girl to look up from her phone. "Yah I'm Gabriella, But everyone calls me Gabi. Her voice is eager. As her face is a pail white with oak brown hair, Falling to her waist. "Im olive" I walk over holding me hand out, Waiting for her to grab It and shake it back. But she sits down ignoring my gesture as I slither back onto my bed. "You must be new" "No, Just new to living here" I add correct her mistake. Gabi looks at me plain sited, As she grabs her phone laying on her bed beside her.

*Buzz* I look down at my phone as I begin sitting criss cross. 2:Missed messages from: Olive. I open my phone up too tired to talk to Olivia.

"Olive!! Bumped into a cuteee boy!"

"We're going to a party..You comin?"

Olive has always been boy CRAZY.Me on the other hand, I never connect with someone before.. I didn't know if it was Because I wasn't likeable..Or if I didn't let anyone get close to me.I swipe past the text. Too exhausted to reply. I dig threw my stuff looking for my toiletries as I walk out the door, Gabi not flinching a bit by my absence.I walk down the hallway to the girls bathroom, But before I make it even a step a boy stumbles into my path knocking me off my feet. "Watch out!" I Scream out in anger, I drop my kit as I stumble on my but to the ground."Sorry" He, A tall brunet boy with light skin stands up. Rubbing his hand on his neck as his cheeks flush red. His hand holds out


in front of me trying to help me up, I push it away as I scavenge for my toiletries standing up by myself. "All good" I reply brushing the dust that coats my top off. "Benjamin" The voice calls out standing a few inches above me. My eyes fall into his gaze before I can say my name.

"Well sorry..." he stops, With a long pause "Mystery girl" He chuckles as he walks down the hallway, Slowing down is pace as I watch him walkaway.Once I hit the bathroom I damp my hair as my curls fall out,I stand in the mirror for a bit looking at my reflection. "You idiot" I yell out as I stomp my feet on the ground, As if I was trying to find my balance. "Wow" A voice calls out from the stall, The door swings open as a small girl approaches me."Sorry" I apologize as I gather my stuff that's scattered on the counter and head for the bathroom door. I rush out of the bathroom in a hurry. Hoping I won't bump into Benjamin once again. Once I make it to my dorm room, I stay out of breath as I gasp for the next breath each time. Gabi still sits un fazed on her bed. Her phone in one hand and makeup in the other. "Makeup?!" I ask, Not realizing I said the words out loud for her to hear. She looks up from her phone as her eyes roll back scoffing at my remark. "Im going out, To a party" She answer, While I sit on my bed, The picture of me and Olivia sitting on my bedside table from last summer."Care to join?" Gabi asks cutting threw the silence. As if she already knows my answer. I shake my head as I whip my phone out. Checking for any missed calls I might have got. Gabi rolls her eyes once again at me then walks out the door leaving it slightly open, For me to see into the hallway.

*Buzz* I quickly look down as an email comes in from: Berry brook:

To Olive williams.

Tomorrow you will be attending home room and you will be assigned your classes with a partner. Be there by 9:00 Am sharp.

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