mafia brother part 1

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Hello I am kim y/n ,I am 15 year old and I am a high school girl
Author POV
kim y/n is a cold and rude girl ,she doesn't like to show her care for others,she lives alone as her parents were mafias who died in a mission she also have 7 brothers who are mafia but when she was child she get separated from her brothers and now she thinks that her brother abounded her ....... ok let's start the story
As always y/n was getting ready to go to school
I was getting ready but then I heard my house bell ringing I get to the door to open as I opened the door I saw jiwoo my bestfriend only she is the one with whom I never talked or behaved rudely

Jiwoo - hey y/n good morning
Y/n - good morning, I hugged her!!!
Jiwoo- have you eaten something
Y/n- umm..... not yet
Jiwoo- ok I will make something
Y/n- unnie no no it's late I will eat in canteen
Jiwoo- but y/n it's not healthy
Y/n- please unnie....please
Jiwoo- ok ok now let's go but promise me you will eat something
Y/n - ok unnie ,I said in cute voice
we both sat in the car and after 15 minutes we reached our school
J Hope- ah... what the hell it's been so many years and till now we didn't find our sister
Suga- we are most powerful mafia but still we can't do anything, he said in sad tone😔😔
We all were sitting in sadness because it's been 10 years we failed to find our sister ........ but then suddenly we heard a voice
It's j seph our undercover agent
J seph - hey guys I found that where is y/n !!!!
Bts - what!!!!!
Taehyung- really
J seph - yes
Jungkook- if you are doing a prank then you know I will beat you
J seph - ya!! You don't believe me ( he said in angry voice)
Rm- we believe you but we are just shocked and happy at the same time
Jimin- if we found y/n then let's go and get her here ,why we are wasting time
( jimin said while going to his car)
Jin - hey stupid mochi do you know where to go ???
Suga- then where are you going
( as he heard what suga said he came back)
Jungkook- tell us fast that where is our y/n ??
J seph - she is in L A
After that j seph gave all her information to bts
I and jiwoo entered the school and we were going to our class but then I saw a unknown girl ,she was a new student
She came near to us and said hello to us
????- hello
Jiwoo- hello,my name is jiwoo by the way what is your name
????- my name is lisa
Lisa- hello y/n
Y/n - how do you know my name ??
Lisa- I heard that from some girls talking about you that your parents and brothers left you because you are a curse and when I asked them that about whom they are talking they all pointed on you that's how
I know your name
Y/n - shut up you b* tch
Then y/ n left in anger
Jiwoo- I am sorry for her behavior
Lisa- no need to say that by the way why y/ n is so rude
Jiwoo- she is not rude it's just she doesn't like to show her love and care
Lisa- umm.. ok bye then I have to go to class
Jiwoo-ok then bye
Jiwoo POv
I have to go to y/n because when she gets angry she punishes herself because she has promised to her mom that she will never say any bad things to anyone
Jiwoo- I ran to our old storeroom because I know she will be there when I entered the room I was shocked because I saw y/n crying it's very rare when she cries because she pretends to be cold and rude and never show her emotions, I quickly ran to her and hugged her
Jiwoo- hey y/n don't cry shhhhh shhhhh
Y/n- why why you all left me alone I hate you all* crying hard*
Jiwoo- listen y/n listen no one will left you alone ok I am here* I patted her head softly*
Jiwoo POV
After sometime she stopped crying then I helped her to getting up and we went to class
I was going home with my unnie jiwoo then I felt that someone was following us but when I saw back no one was there I thinked it was my imagination
We reached jiwoo unnie, home
Jiwoo- hey y/n if you want you can stay with me at my home
Y/n- umm..sorry unnie but I can't stay with you because I want to spent some time alone
Jiwoo- ok but be safe and take care and if anything happens then call me ok
Y/n- ok unnie bye * I slightly smiled*
Jiwoo- ok bye
I was on the way to home but then I saw men wearing a mask
Y/n- hey who are you and what do you want from me
Man- oh wow smart girl huh the way I want you my cupcake
Y/n- cupcake ,huh do I look like cupcake I think you need a eye checkup
Man - I am really sorry for what I am going to do ..
Y/n- what....after that I felt a pain on my neck and then I passed out
Y/n- when I opened my eyes I saw an unfamiliar room it was really luxurious I was sitting on the bed because I don't care what is going to happen to me
Suddenly I heard someone's voice after that what I saw made me shock they all were my brothers
BTS - y/n you are awake
Y/n- you all all get lost I don't want to see your trash faces
we all were shocked and disappointed after listening her words ,she never speaked like that to us
J hope- hey princess why are you saying like that
Y/n- I am not your princess and what should i say ,what that you left me for dying ,you all are so mean ,selfish ,get lost you idiots...
I stopped because i felt a sting pain on my cheek because rm slapped me
Y/n- oh wow I grabbed a knife and gave it to rm
Y/n- why you slapped me just take this knife and stab me just kill me I want to die , give me relief from this pain * I started to throw all things on ground near me *
Y/n- go from here ,I hate you I hate you all
Jimin- hey y/n calm down we are going everyone let's go she need some time to handle everything
we all got out of room we all were still shocked that what happened today
Jhope- she is not our old yn she has changed so much
Jimin- I think she don't like us
Suga- and why was she saying that we left her
Taehyung - I think she is so depressed that's why she is talking like that
Jungkook-then we should take care of her
Rm- I am sorry it's all my fault without thinking anything i slapped her
Jin- don't say sorry rm she should respect her elders how can she say like that
after sometime the we went to y/n's room and she was sleeping on the floor peacefully tear on her cheeks jimin placed her on her bed and covered her with blanket
Hey guys next part will be coming soon😊😊😊😊💜💜💜💜

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