"Hajimeeee" nagito winned discreetly as hajime sat up from the bed, the white sheets falling off her tanned shoulders
"I need to check if my cabin is still flooded, I think kazuichi has finished it, and I do not wanna be in this room with you anymore" she sneered and grabbed her shirt, covering herself from nagitos focused gaze
"You were the one who slept over at my cabin, AND slept in your sports bra, I think someone is clearly a little comfortable here sweetheart" nagito teased as she slipped out of the thin sheets as well
"Im not gonna sleep in a buttoned up shirt nagito, im not insane" she said and turned back to look at nagito "unlike some people" she said turning back around to gather her other stuff
"Hajime." Nagito grabbed her arm with her thin fingers
"Wha-what?" Hajime said startled
Nagito let out a shakey sigh
"You look nice" she said with a slight gulp
"Nice? I just got out of bed, idiot" she rolled her eyes and walked to the door to slip on her shoes
"You're pretty, like, so so pretty" nagito said walking over to Hajime taking her hands in her own
"So gorgeous and breath takingly smart, quiet yet so so confident, Hajime, I l-" nagito stopped by hajimes hand slapping over her mouth as the other jerked out of nagitos hand
"Stop, if you're going to kill me just say so, at least I can kick you in the guts and get out of here before you actually do anything"
Hajime stated as she slowly removed her hand
"I would never." Nagito said
"How can I believe that!? All I know is you tried to kill byakuya! Then you lied!! You LIED to me nagito, I trusted you, so so much" she wiped her slighIy damp cheeks
"I trusted you." She turned away grabbing her skirt slipping it up over her under shorts.
"Hajime I'm sorry"
"Get away from me." Hajime stormed away.Hajime arrived back to her cabin and called for kazuichi
"Yup!?" Kazuichi shouted
"Are you finished up?" Hajime asked
"Nope!! Not yet sorry, Mr.sonia caught my attention for quite some time" kazuichi sighed softly smiling in a daze
"Well are you anywhere close to finishing??" Hajime frowned
"No, I work on cars and motorcycles, not plumbing, calm down" she sighed grabbing her wrench
"Also its still soaked in here" kazuichi said untwisting a pipe
"Am I gonna have to stay with someone else again?" Hajime asked disappointed
"Probably, just stay with the guy you stayed with last night, you two clearly did........"
"Did nothing. I was with nagito." Hajime said
"HAH! No diffrence there hombre! I just wasn't aware you swung that ways, especially for nagito" she leaned up to focus on a pipe
"Well, I don't, and definitely not for nagito, I hate her!" Hajime frowned as kazuichi looked over at her
"hate to break it to you, but, that's not hate" she chuckled as she removed the cracked pipe
"You better not be saying it's love."
" im n- FUCK!!" She screamed as she was blasted in the face with high pressured water
"Are you okay???" Hajime said quickly walking over to check on kazuichi
"I CANT SEE SHIT" Kazuichi shouted as she went to grab her face, she screamed again at the burning
"Oh God let me get you to mikan he can help!!" Hajime got kazuichi up and helped her to mikans cabin.Nagito sighed pacing around her cabin "fuck fuck fuck fuck I messed up" she covered her eyes and laid down "I should've never let her spend the night, I didn't get a wink of sleep..." She spoke outloud hoping to calm herself as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep
"WHY IS YOUR SHIRT UNBUTTONED" Kazuichi shouted as she grabbed hajimes breasts pushing her up from leaning over her
"IT WAS HOT, IM SORRY" Hajime quickly went to button her shirt up
"God, you have nice tits though, have you shown nagito?" Kazuichi chuckled taking the ice pack off her forehead
"What!? No of course not, she hasn't seen me without a shir-
Uh she hasn't seen my uh chest area before, also why do you just keep bringing nagito up!?" Hajime stuttered out
"Ughh call nagito in here now, it's a dying man's wish!!" Kazuichi over dramatically fell back onto the bed her braided front strands falling down her shoulder
"I'll go get her, just don't be some creep" Hajime stood up going to grab nagito
spit on me female nagito <3
Fanfictionthis is a bad story I'm just putting it here for safe keeping