wenga - are they having another child?

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Yujin always talk about having a little brother she talk about while eating, before bed. She badly want a lil brother

In the living room yujin is playing lego with his dad while wendy is their room organizing things

"Yujin-ah you always ask us to have a baby brother. Do you badly want little brother? " He ask

"Yes.really" She said

"Why?? " He ask softly

"When we go everywhere I saw a sister plays with her lil brother I get jealous" She said pouting Yoongi smiles

"Do you want to play with him? " He ask


"But born baby's lay down everytime they can't with you yet, you can play with him
If his 4 months old already. You can play with him but laying down only" He said put her hair behind her hair

"Daddy...can I have? " She whines Yoongi thinks..

"Uhmmm.. Let's ask mommys permission first" He said

"Mommy! Come here" Yujin calls her mom wendy comes out the room

"Why? " (In English) he sat beside her

Suga pov;

Wendy comes and sit beside yujin

"Mommy can I have a permission? " She ask her

"Sure what is it?

(A/N: guys if I use this “()” after the person said, that means She/He said in English)

" Can I have a baby brother? "She said in puppy eyes Wendy glance at me yujin thinks

"Uhmmm wait. I will ask you some questions yujin if you succeed/answer all you will having a baby brother if you fail no baby. Okay? "She said she nods

" Okay! Sounds fun"she clap her hands

"Yujin your smart remember" I said

"Okay question number one " If a girl is pregnant what do they eat? " Answer it"she said yujin thinks

"Ah! They eat healthy foods! " She said

"What kind of healthy food? "

"Vegetables, soup, and water" Yujin said

"Correct, ding ding dong ding" She said yujin claps Yoongi hopes she will succeed

"Okay number two " Does mom's work while being preggy? " "

"Sometimes, they have to rest. They work a little, " She said

"Correct! " Yujin shouts

"Last question mom? " She jump while clapping her hands

"Yes.. Question number three " Do mom's have morning sickness sometimes? "Yujin this is the last one"

"Yes!! " She shout my eyes wide waiting for Wendy's answer her eyes wide too she face palm

"Oh yes you succeed all" She said I got happy and pick up yujin I kiss her cheek

"Yay! Dad I'm having a baby brother!! " She said happily

"I know, I will have a mini version of me" I said put her down

"Yeobo you okay? " I ask

"Yes I'm happy" She said we hug all

Author pov

After weeks Wendy got pregnant and after 8 months she give birth to a boy name minhyeon

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