It Doesn't Seem Real

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It's been 3 months. She still can't remember what happened after everything but she will never forget the day she lost her husband. She was so excited for Mia to finally meet her daddy. The best daddy a girl could ever ask for. It's been a hard life without Ethan. I mean how could you go from talking to the love of your life every day, not seeing him for 11 months, missing him like crazy, nothing? Everything I knew was gone so fast. That's why you shouldn't take anything for granted. Things could slip away from you so fast..
But I need go keep going it'll be okay. It might not be okay right now but it will be soon..I hope.

"Nothing seems real anymore..I'm numb." She says to herself "But I need to keep going. For Mia."
"I can't believe my baby's turning 2 this year." Layla said to herself.

She walks to the hallway to Mia's bedroom door.

"Ugh there's never opening this door quietly..I really need to get that fixed!"

Mia woke up and stood up in her crib. "Ma..Ma?"
"Hi, Mia! I see you're awake..and fussy!" Layla picks her up and brings her into the kitchen
"I'll put you in the highchair while I make food okay? I'll be right here."
Days like these are the ones she lives for. She loves her baby girl more than she'll ever know.
"Why does this still feel like a dream?.."
She looks back at Mia and sees her smiling the biggest smile at her.
"I love that girl."
She turns around and starts making baby oatmeal for Mia.
"I got your favorite kind!" Layla smiled as Mia started laughing.
She's always loved strawberry and cream oatmeal.

"Come on Mia, just a few more bites." She's fussy.
"I think someone's ready to go relax in the living room."
Layla grabbed Mia and brought her into the living room.
"Let's practice walking!"
She holds Mia's hands as she moves her feet trying to keep her balance. She has the tightest grip on her mama's hands.
"Come on Mia! You can do it!"
Layla let go of Mia's hands and she walked 6 whole steps!

"Yay!! You did it!" Layla congratulated Mia.

Mia grinned and laughed the cutest laugh.

"It's been a long day I think it's time to sleep."

She put Mia in her crib and walked to her room. She slipped into one of Ethan's old favorite shirt and sweat pants and walked over to the bed.
"I don't know why I'm even gonna try to sleep..I wake up way to many times anyways."
She lays down and finally falls asleep after 3 hours of trying. Waking up hour after hour from flashbacks of the crash.

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