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there are only three OC's in this story, they are Ciana Booker, Lucy and Sophia Miller they do not have faceclaims as they are completely and totally inspired by @holtbae ( Ciana ) @hayleytvdu (Sophia) and @saviourfx (Lucy)  be sure to look at their accounts. I am @invisiblestring66 on tiktok, this is a norbekah fanfic and feel free to comment any suggestions or any critiques, I love you <3 


"Please I'm begging you-" Nora doubled over in pain, clutching her stomach

"Come on now, that is no way to treat a lady." a voice said, Nora looked up to see the witches that were once surrounding her dead on the floor. In their place stood three women, all three used their thumb to wipe away the blood on their faces. "Now let's get you home." the one furthest from her said before the heretic fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Where the hell am I?" Nora sat up, panicking.

"Shh, don't worry. I'm Rebekah. You have a magically inflicted wound which won't heal, I'm here to help you. You need not worry." there was something about the way she spoke, her eyes, the way her hair fell into place, the way each word floated out of her mouth, something which made each word she said seem like a proven fact, just something so trustworthy.

"Thank you." Nora stared at Beks, slightly stunned, her eyes never left the Original after that moment. "Why would you help me?" Nora asked

"Why wouldn't I?" Rebekah asked in response

"Not an answer."

"Neither was that."

"I asked first." Nora said stubbornly

"I've been alive an awfully long time, Nora, who would I be if I saw a girl being attacked and just walked by." Nora opened her mouth to respond to the blonde but was swiftly cut off when the two women from earlier entered,

"Ah, yes Beks, always were such a saint." the taller of the two said

"Leave her alone, Soph, where we would we be without Saint Rebekah." the other woman joked, dramatically bowing

"Oh, sod off." Rebekah groaned, although she was laughing slightly as she spoke, "This is Sophia," she gestured to the taller girl, "And Lucy." she pointed to the girl who had dramatically bowed. "Lucy and Sophia are my friends, they helped me save you."

"Oh, no that was all you, Bekah." Lucy said once again speaking dramatically

"Yes, sister, far be it from you to allow these knaves to take all the credit." a man said walking into the room, Rebekah, Lucy and Sophia groaned at the sound of his voice. He directed his attention to Nora, "Klaus." he introduced, taking her hand and placing a kiss on her hand,

"Nora." she said, pulling her hand away in disgust

"Congrats, the first step to fitting in here is hating Rebekah's arse of a brother." Sophia laughed whilst she spoke earning an eye roll from Klaus

"Brother? I feel bad for you already." Nora chirped in

"Don't worry, soon you'll be wrapped around my finger like all of Rebekah's cult-y Casket Girls." Klaus smirked

"Wow, that is one hell of a fragile ego." Nora retorted

"Cult-y? You're one to talk." Lucy piped in

"What are the Casket Girls?" Nora asked curiously

"The easiest explanation would that Rebekah loves to collect little orphan Annie's and then travels with them like some distorted ernanny gorvenness." Klaus said mockingly


"Sorry to crash the fun, boys- well no we aren't but some of us actually came here to hear the music . Not you." Rebekah said to the group of boys who were drowing out the music which was being peformed.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, are we offending you?" the evident ring-leader of the group sai

d. Nora, Sophia and Lucy collectively rolled their eyes as they stood behind Rebekah, waiting for the men to shut up. Rebekah runs her hand across his cheek, just slowly enough for it to seem demeaning

"Oh believe me, it takes a lot more than a baby-face like you to offend me." Beks said turning around, linking arms with Nora, only for the man to grab her free arm,

"Hey, hey, I ever get to hear your name?" he asked

"When you earn it." Nora answered for the blonde snappily

"Now be a doll and do Gloria, me and my friends a little favour and stick a sock in it." Bekah hggeads back to the dance floor, unlinking her arm with Nora and continuing to dance with the man she had been with earlier. Nora looked around the room, she saw Lucy's arms around Sophia's neck, a man with his hands on Rebekah's waist and Klaus sat alone by the bar. She sighed and began to walk over to him.

"What brings you to this neck of the woods?" Klaus chuckled, taking a shot, "Let me guess, girlfriend break up with you?" he said, turning to Nora who was slumped on the bar

"Something like that." she grabbed a drink as she spoke "It's sickening." she added

"What is?" the hybrid was still drinking

"How ridicicously in love they are." she gestured towards Sophia and Lucy Sho were still dancing

"Someone is feeling very bitter." he said, elongating the very

"Y'know what, you're right," Nora said, getting slightly tipsy, "Can hardly blame them, they've known each other for like a gazillion years it's them who make zero sense." she pointed and noticed that she was with a different man, she'd seen this one before she just couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"See! Known that guy for all of five bloody minutes-" the heretic was cut off by Klaus

"I think that's quite enough, let's get home before you say something you'll be regretting in the morning." the hybrid snatched away her drink and looped her arm around his neck, helping her walk towards the booth Rebekah was sat in with the man

"Ahhh, now I recognise him, it's the arse from earlier. Truly impeccable taste, Rebekah!" Nora said hysterically,

"It's late Rebekah, we're leaving." Klaus said ignoring Nora's comment, he used the arm which wasn't supporting Nora to tug on his sister's arm

"Get off of me!" the blonde snatched her arm back, the man quickly stood up,

"Who is this guy?" it was evident that he was trying to sound threatening which just made Nora continue to laugh

"Stefan, don't, he's a lot stronger than he looks." Rebekah extended her arm in front of Stefan

"So, this is the famous Stefan Salvatore I've been hearing so much about." Klaus turned to Nora, who was still partially leaning on him, "You were right, he does have funny hair." he added

"See, I'm never wrong." the heretic wobbled a bit as she spoke

"I'm tired, Rebekah, I want to go, we all want to go." Klaus sighed

"Then go, I'm not your girlfriend." Bekah retorted

"This is pathetic." Nora groaned, "I'm going home, you two stay." she gestured between the two of them and began to wobble her way home.  

WORD COUNT (doesn't include disclaimers) - 1108

hi, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next chapter will include more of 1920's and then a flashfoward, again, feel free to comment any suggestions or critiques, I love you <3 - invisiblestring66

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