Chapter 18

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~ Ze trio assembled! ~

"So, that was nice, got ourselves some decent food, you introduced to each other... Oh and what else happened?"

The Queen looks at her Moon and the Veela with a raised eyebrow, hoping at least one of them will finish. not receiving what she wanted, she tries again.

"I said, what else happened?"

"You received a massive ego boost?" Fleur answers.

"Corre- Wait, no... I mean, yeah that is also true, but that's not... Eh, whatever, it's old news already, even if it just happened minutes ago..." The Queen mumbles.

"Well, I think that Ravenclaw has a great chance at the house cup this year and it's mostly thanks to you" Luna adds, making the Queen go back to her normal state.

"Well, of course, ain't no chance of losing than you've got the Queen on your side, so Ravenclaw has this in the bag"

Luna just smiles dreamily, Fleur looked incredulously at the shameless person in front of her.

"Ze day is almost over, so I zink I am going to go back to ze Carriage to rest" Fleur adds.

"Oh, no, no, missy, you ain't going nowhere" The Queen interjects.

"Pardon?" Fleur asks confused.

"You're pardoned," The Queen says slightly grinning.

"Zat... I guess I jumped right into that one"

'Yes, yes you did"

"So, what did you mean?"

"Simple, you know how I said three days for Madam Maxime to decide for you to stay with me? Yeah, well that's too long of a wait, you're coming back with me and Luna to our room for the night, we will have a sleepover... Well we will be talking mostly, lots of talking, need to get to know each other better"


"No buts, if it's going to happen eventually, then why delay it any longer? If Madam Maxime will try to say something, I'll handle it"

"But it's yours and Luna's room"

"I said no buts... Moon, what do you think, do we have room for a beautiful french lady?"

"Sure, there's plenty, the other two roommates practically sleep with others, sometimes, they come to take something that they need, I am most of the time by myself"

The Queen's blood boils for a few moments, before she calms down, with her around, her Moon won't be receiving any more bullying, that's for damn sure.

"See, Fleur? Both of us Lunas are in conjunction about letting you stay there, the more the merrier, so let's go" The Queen turns around and just continues walking, not waiting for an answer.

"Is she always like zis?" Delacour asks Lovegood who was left behind with her.

"I only know her for a day... But I think that the answer is a yes"

"A day? And you already talk like you knew each ozer for a long time"

"She's quite... a character"

"Zat she is... Well zank you for inviting me to a sleepover wiz you"

"Mhm" Luna nods and the left behind duo, resume walking and follow the Queen who's far ahead

The trio made it their way to the room where the two Lunas and two absent random extras live, soon those extras will be cut out and a Delacour will settle in, just a few days for that to happen.

Queen of Hogwarts (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now