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~Where Olivia lane finds the love of her life~

Olivia has been thru shit, you could ask any shaysider who has been thru the most and they would all say the one name 'Olivia', 'Olivia lane', 'lane' there was no competition. I mean there was some but its not everyday Sunnyvale kids would terrorize them about being ruby lanes sister but I mean like come on it was never her fault she grew up in that family sure she loved her mum, but her mum would just constantly say stuff about ruby and how she used to be before she went 'crazy' ,it made Olivia feel insecure but obviously she would never tell anyone that , she had to keep her head up tall and be the most strong and might I say most beautiful women shadyside has ever seen. now you may think she is one of the quirky girls but no she would act like she was the best when deep down she felt the worst,letting every hurtful word get to her, words running through her mind every hour of the day and night which would either leave her to cry in the school bathrooms or to cry at night and cover her eybags with make up and cover her red-tear stained cheeks if you knew about everything about her and didn't feel one small dot of pity for her... are you even human?
Oh but that's not it she had to deal with her one and only best friend heathers death oh it wasn't pretty,
1. She lost all motivation
2. She would sit in her room and cry (while eating ice-cream)

Everyone felt sorrow and pity for her, she was holding in to much pain a teenager could handle if anyone was to feel this much pain they would for sure kill them self.

Then Kate walked in and changed Olivias point of view in the world.
Olivia made a mental promise to herself that she would love Kate until every star in the universe lost its light..

~The broken promise~Where stories live. Discover now