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Name: Y/n Hikari

Nickname:Legendary Godzilla




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Personality:Smart,Cocky.Flirty,Laid back(serious when needed),protective,Compassionate(To those who deserve it)

Likes: His girls, His friends, The Kaiju, Hard rock,Tupac,Anime,Horror movies, Fighting the strong (Due to his new Kaiju blood)

Dislikes;G-Force(HATES), Anyone who hurts his girls(HATES),Anyone who hurts his friends,The entitled(with few exceptions)


Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Durabiltiy

Master at Hand to hand combat

Master strategist

Atomic breath


Spiral beam

Kaiju forms:



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Group members:

Satomi Kanahara(Harem member for those who didn't read the description)

Satomi Kanahara(Harem member for those who didn't read the description)

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Mei Kamino (Also Harem member)

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Mei Kamino (Also Harem member)

Mei Kamino (Also Harem member)

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Goro Otaki

Goro Otaki

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Earth shaking change(Godzilla harem x Godzilla hybrid  Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now