What's this? A child is harmed!

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Tsubaki was wandering through England. As he reached Surrey, he heard crying. Being the Servamp of melancholy, he knew someone needed help. He could tell that they were very upset about something. "Momma, papa" he heard, "was I not enough for you? Did you have to get in a car accident and die? Why would you leave me with these animals!? They hate me, and I don't even know why! They hurt me, you know. They hurt anything that is different. Is that why you left me? So they couldn't harm you anymore?! I understand if that's the reason. I don't like it here. They hurt me for things that are impossible for me to have done! Just, why?! Why leave me all alone! Did you love me? Did I do something wrong? I don't even know your names and yet I wish you were still alive, so I didn't have to stay here. I miss you mama, and you too papa. Please send me a Angel. The prettiest angel you can find. Someone who can protect me. Someone who can be my friend. Goodbye mama, goodbye papa. Love you both so much, even though I barely can remember you. It's hard to remember you when I barely knew you. I was too young to know you." *sniff, sniff* Then he heard loud sobs, and rustling noises, like someone was looking for something in the grass. He bounded over to where he heard the noises in fox form, dragging one leg behind him like he was injured. He whined like a fox kit as well. He carried a collar in his mouth. When he reached the source of the noises, he found a child crying as they searched for something. He looked around, and found something in the grass. It was a strange staff. Harry cried. "You found it! Thank you mister. Its hard for me to find things when I can't see!" A low whimper was heard. "Where are you mister. I'm blind you know. I don't know where you are." He felt something drop in his lap. "Huh? What's this?" He felt in his lap. "A collar? What is this for?" Suddenly it dawned on him. "You want me to put this on you? Okay. What's your name?" Silence. "Oh, you're not human, are you?" A low whine. "Okay. Can I give you a name?" A short excited bark. " Okay. Here, with the addition of this collar, I now dub you... Camilla Potter. You are my new friend and protector from those animals I am forced to call my relatives. Come on, hand me my staff, and come this way. I have to get home soon, or I'll be forced to sleep outside tonight. You'll have to hide though. My relatives will try to take you away if they see you." Another bark. Tsubaki dragged the staff over to the child, and sat still while the collar was secured around his neck. The child felt around for the staff picked it up, and then grabbed Tsubaki, tucking him into his too large shirt, which was tucked into his too large pants, and his pants were held up by a rope belt.  "Comfortable, Camilla?" Another bark.  "Okay. Lets go then." He used the staff to tap along the ground, heading from the park to number four Privet drive, counting his steps the whole time. Once he got home, he headed inside, and his aunt ushered him to his cupboard. He got in his cupboard and his aunt shut the door and locked it. "goodnight freak!" Tsubaki heard. The boy took him out of his shirt and set him on the floor. He set his staff by his cot and crawled into the nest of blankets. Tsubaki jumped into the nest and curled up on Harry's chest. They fell asleep like that. The next morning, Harry felt a granola bar under his cot. He felt around for his fox friend. He landed on smooth skin. He screamed. Petunia banged on the door. "Quiet down freak!" She yelled. "sorry aunt petunia, I felt something strange in my cupboard." Petunia  walked away with a huff. Harry frowned. "Who are you, and what are you doing in my cupboard?!" He demanded. "Does this answer your question?" Tsubaki said, before placing the child's hand on his chest before transforming into his fox form and back. "Camilla?!" Harry said in disbelief. A bright glow was seen by Tsubaki, before a clinking noise was heard, followed by a chain forming with a unusual wind blowing through their hair. "What just happened?" Harry asked. "That was the formation of a contract between the two of us. I am a Servamp you see. By giving me a name and item in animal form, you started to make a temporary contract with me. By calling me by the name you gave me when I was in my true form, you finalized the temporary contract. In order to cement a true contract, I would have to drink your blood." Harry stared at him. "Will it hurt?" He asked. "It might hurt a little bit at first, but it should fade pretty quickly." Harry gulped before thrusting his wrist at Tsubaki. "Let's get this over with Camilla." Tsubaki smiled. "Deep breath, my Eve." And with that said, he took Harry's hand in his, raised his wrist to his lips, opened his mouth to reveal a pair of fangs, and bit down. Harry inhaled sharply at the sudden pain. Tsubaki stroked his Eve's hair to comfort him. He drank from Harry's wrist, and after a few minutes, he let go. A chain formed, leading from the neck of Tsubaki, to the bitten wrist of Harry. "And with that done, the contract is sealed." Tsubaki stated. I swear that from now on, I shall be your protector, confidant, and friend." Harry grinned. "Thank you Camilla. That definitely made the pain of your bite worth it. I'll show you to aunt petunia today and ask if you could be my seeing eye service animal. If she approves, you will have to get special training in fox form. You'll only be able to take your true form when it is just the two of us." Tsubaki smiled. Then he shifted into his fox form as the chain vanished. Just as he finished transforming, his cupboard opened, to reveal his cousin. "what that you have there freak?" Dudley said. "My new friend, and potential seeing eye service animal." Harry replied. Tsubaki barked. "What's its name, Freak?" I named him Camilla. He reminds me of Camellia flowers. He's quiet, fragrance free, and unassuming up until the point that you least expect it to be. He's also very soft. Feel for yourself. " Dudley reached out a hand and tentatively pet its fur. "You're right freak. It is very soft. How do you know that it's a male fox though?" "The timbre of its bark is deep, like a male fox. Females have a sharper pitch to their bark. Could you help me convince aunt petunia to let me keep him?" Dudley laughed. "Sure freak. Maybe now you won't need to be so reliant on that staff of yours. Come on, let's go get breakfast. I'll help you cook. How does French toast sound." Harry grinned. "Sure. You can help me cut up the fruit to go with it, right?" Dudley laughed again. "Sounds good freak." Harry and Dudley headed to the kitchen to make the French toast. Dudley scrambled eggs and milk in a bowl. Harry carefully sliced up a fresh baked loaf of bread and washed some strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries in the sink. Then Dudley help Harry slice the strawberries neatly and carefully. They carefully chopped some apples and bananas as well. Harry tossed the washed and cut up fruit in a large bowl to make a fruit salad. Dudley got out plates, bowls, and cups. He set the table before getting out butter, peanut butter, jam, and syrup. He set the items in the center of the table, then Harry set the silverware with the plates, bowls and cups. He got out the milk and orange juice before preparing a cup of coffee for uncle Vernon. Aunt petunia had a cup of breakfast tea as well. Harry dipped the bread slices in the egg mixture then fried them on the griddle. He put the cooked French toast on a platter, fried up some bacon and put it on a platter as well. He placed the platters on the table, and carried the bowl of fruit salad to the table as well. Camilla (Tsubaki) helped guide Harry to the table without falling. Dudley was impressed. "okay, aunt petunia probably won't think he needs training at this rate." Harry stared. "Really?" He asked. Dudley smiled. "based on what I've seen, he might be already prepared to take his service animal test and get his license." Harry grinned. "wow." He said. Aunt petunia came downstairs to see breakfast already made and the table already set. 'How did the freak manage to do all this despite being blind? He probably used his freakishness.' She thought. "Bad freak!" She yelled before hitting him in the head. Harry yelped as she continued to hit him. Dudley yelled. "stop mum. I helped him make breakfast and set the table. I didn't want him to hurt himself. We made French toast, fruit salad, and bacon for breakfast. Can he eat with us today? He found a animal that is well trained and could act as a service animal for him. I think it is already ready for the seeing eye service animal test. It helped Harry a lot this morning. He didn't drop anything once! Nor did he fall. Can he keep it, please. He already has a name for it. He named it Camilla, and it is the most well trained, cutest, softest fox ever. Maybe, with Camilla he won't have to be so reliant on that staff anymore. I don't think they can be separated for long anyway. I think he might get seriously ill without Camilla." Aunt petunia sighed. "Alright, the freak can keep his fox on a few conditions. He is responsible for everything, the fox passes the test and gets it's license, and finally, it doesn't cause any problems or messes." Harry and Dudley nodded. "Understood aunt petunia." Harry said. "Could uncle Vernon or you take Camilla and I to town so he can take his service animal test?" Petunia sighed. "Fine, but you better be dressed and have your chores done on time today. Dudley can help you if he chooses to, but you better not fight about this!" Dudley grinned. "you have yourself a deal mum." They ate breakfast, Harry and Dudley did the dishes, and Harry headed to his cupboard to get dressed. After he got dressed Dudley helped harry finish his chores and be presentable and ready to go before Vernon left for work. Harry was done and waiting with Camilla by the door in record time.

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