Part 1, Chapter 1. Dinner date

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You heard your alarm clock go off and jumped straight up you rubbed your eyes slightly and pulled the cover off of you gently 'God it's too early for work' You slowly creeped out of your bed walking to the bathroom where you slip off your clothing and started to run warm-water you looked in the mirror as you get in the shower you softly groaned when the water hits your skin you look down and rub your scar gently you started to wash up when the soap got on your scar you whine in pain and hurried and washed all the soap off your body you washed your hair and got out the shower putting your towel over you slipping into your bunny slippers they were warm and furry which made you enjoy them the most you stepped out the bathroom sighing as you let the towel drop and sat down you looked at yourself in the mirror before doing your makeup you saw your mark finally appeared and you screamed in excitement you closed your eyes and thought back on what they said 'The mark will appear but you might never find your soulmate' You snapped out of your thought and looked at your blue mark (Idk hanges Favorite Color—) you started on your makeup and avoided letting it touch your blue mark when you were finished with your makeup you let your hair down and put your work uniform on and put on your heels walking to hanges office and knocked softly waiting on a response She stretched as she heard the knock at her door she slowly rised from her seat and walked to the door of her office opening it slowly she looked at her assistant and softly smiled "Why'd You come? It was your-" She noticed the soulmate mark on your cheek she pulled you in quickly and closed the door behind you two and swiftly brought you close she covered your mouth and prevent you from screaming once she let go of your mouth she instantly regretted all of it Once she let go of your mouth you were so confused and asked millions of questions on your third question you stopped and noticed the soulmate mark on hanges cheek you gasped and put your hand over your mouth slowly backing away you gulped and dug your nails into the palm of your hands, gathering the courage to say something once you did you looked at your boss and softly put a piece of hair behind your ear "Y-Your my soulmate?" You slowly said not understanding you watched in shock as she shook her head you couldn't hold back your happy tears and smiled softly you walked up to her hugging her slowly once her arms wrapped around you, You slowly walked back and chuckled "S-Sorry" You said stuttering a little you walked out the office walking over to Levi's office he was the only bottom you had knew and the only one who knew hange well enough to know what to get her for a surprise you softly smiled as you opened his door "Hey Levi~ I need a huge favor!" She sat in his chair and looked at him

"What do you need Y/n" He slowly crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair stopping his work so he could help his friend

"What does hange like? It's for a gift"

He looked at you like you were crazy and softly smiled and stood up walking to you he patted your head "She likes a lot of things but her most favorite are stuffed animals and home dinners cooked." He chuckled and looked at you "Soulmates?"

"Y-Yeah we are... And I wanna do something with her!" You looked at him and smiled softly

"Well then! I have to find my soulmate but your lucky, Mrs.Zoe"

You blushed a beet red and slowly got up walking away before you did you turnt around and Chuckled "Have fun Mr.Smith" When you seen him flush a bright red that was enough to make you laugh you slowly walked away closing the door behind you, You walked to the parking lot and got in your car driving to the grocery store you got everything you need for dinner you walked to the toy aisle and grabbed a stuffed teddy bear walking to the counter paying for everything you looked up and saw Mikasa you smiled and hugged her

"I didn't know you came here Y/n" She smiled and swiped your card

"I rarely see you here, You new here or something?" You laughed "How are you and Eren?" You teasingly said to her

She blushed in a dark red and softly spoke "We're great we have two kids. what about you and hange?"

You smiled and grabbed your card and a few bags "Know how to cook? If so call off and come with me"

She smiled and told her boss she was calling off she helped you to the car and got in the car with you smiling she buckled up you pulled off in a few minutes you made it to your house and let Mikasa inside you walked in after and took all the stuff out you put on music and you two started to cook and danced and finished cooking once you two were done with the food you placed the food on the table and smiled softly at each other and walked into different rooms you called hange, she called Eren, once you got done you gave Mikasa clothes and you got dressed and put the stuffed animals down on the bed once you were done you heard a knock and turnt the music off walking to the door opening you kissed hange on the cheek and let her in Mikasa came out and hugged Eren you all sat down at the table and played that's what I like you and Mikasa got up and laughed at each other

(TBC cause I'm sleepy and I need rest)

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