Chapter 5: Seductress in C minor

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Yang: "C'mon, husband! Don't miss a spot!"

Yang leads her new chew toy with the grace of a sergeant. Jaune dusts the frame of Ruby's bed for the second time. After a good 2 hours of spraying, scrubbing, washing and dusting, the Team RWBY dorm looks cleaner than a science lab, with not a single bit of dust fluttering around anywhere, not even inside any books thanks to the relentless badgering of one Blake Belladonna.

Jaune: "Am I done yet?!" Please...

Yang gestures to ringleader Blake, who uses her enhanced senses to scan every single possible place for the slightest imperfection.

Blake: "Up there."

Jaune: "What? How can dust even g-"

Blake: "I see what I see, husband. Now clean it."

As he goes to clean up in the corner, standing on several books to do so, the Faunus begins to smile. That idea sure was worth it, first to see Yang collapse into hysterics, then to see Jaune's face when he realized just how little control he has over his life, then to have the room be cleaned to perfection without having to lift a finger.

Her eyes fall back into her book, the third one she has been able to read during this binge, with a feeling of pure satisfaction.

Yang: "Weiss would sure love to see this. I wish she would come back already."

Pyrrha: "Haven't you tried texting her?"

Yang: "No response."

Jaune: "There. All done. Now can I please go?"

Blake looks up again, and sees absolutely nothing. Damn, he is good.


Blake: "Okay husband, you can leave. But do not be gone for too long!"

Blake only got to the word "can" before Jaune and all his accessories teleport out of the room.

Yang: "Alright, that was worth the wait. But this still isn't over!"

Blake: "Why not? I'm taking a real liking to this new Jaune."

Nora: "Yeah! He's gonna be so cool while he's getting me- I mean everything clean!"

Ren: "Even I can't say that I dislike this change of character."

Blake: "So what are you thinking about next, director?"

Yang: "Me? Thinking? Ha! I got Ren to do that for me, remember!" Let's hear what he has in mind, huh Ren?"

Ren: "First thing I got is to have Ruby take a stab at it."

Yang: "WHAT?! Let me see that list!"

The piece of paper is swiped from Ren's hands faster than he can blink, with a wind gust so strong that the pencil flies straight out of his mouth.


Yang: "get Ruby to text Jaune a flirty message and then Jaune will come over to the dorm and make sweet, sweet love with her?! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!"

Despite the lowered whispering, the small huntress in question still heard all of that, and has turned redder than a firetruck.

Ren: "You wanted another option."

Yang: "NOT THAT!"

Ren: "What did you expect me to write?"

Yang: "Something that does not involve my sister! Why not have Weiss do something, hell I'll even take another crack at it! Anything is better than soiling Rubes' innocent mind like this!"

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