Chapter 1. The Beginning

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Kyle is 15 years old currently working on cleaning a messed up area in their home town that reasantly got really bad destroyed. Why did this happen Kyle doesn't remember the last memory they own is from bright fire and screaming and then everything went black. Nothing left to do then putting bandages around them and try to find their parents wich they failed instead of their home all they found was a destroyed house and destroyed town no signs of anything living.

Kyle talked to themselve: "what even happend where is everyone where is my mom I need to find people" so they went one packing a few things that remained from their own house a family photo a bit of food and a few clothes. And so they started their journey walking for days living of plants and hunting animals not knowing that no one in their world lives anymore the only thing living are the animals and the dragons in the sky seemingly the most powerful creatures.
Kyle is traveling trough forest and as the sun goes down they decide to stay at a cave. Their dark green hair dirty from the burned house and not having the time to clean it Kyle sits down in the cave.
Just now realizeing that their whole life is never going to be the same and that their family might be gone their eyes start to tear up.
Kyle said: "Come on don't give up they are gonna be all right! But- what if they aren't-". Kyle holds back the tears stands up and starts making a fire for the night. After that they go to sleep alone wondering if anyone might still be there or if only their village was affected by the unknown fire cause.

Short words:
I hope ya all liked the first part of the story and I see you in the next one!

Kyle Winter's Adventure in the boiling Islands (The owl house Au) Where stories live. Discover now