Part 1

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The forbidden kiss.

We knew that it was wrong, that he was betrothed to my sister. But if this wasn't what he wanted, then why did he come to the field of desire?

It was fated, that we should meet like this...

"Oof. Gracie!" I yell at my little sister as she threw the TV remote at me.

"Are we hanging out or not! We are supposed to be watching The Vampire Diaries together." She huffs out, blowing the small strand of hair that fell on her face away.

I quickly sit up from my spot on my bed and begin to explain that "I just want to finish this chapter." She scoffs at me as she does her famous eye roll. "More like finish the book!"

I was about to say something super witty but our conversation was interrupted as we hear dishes clattering and shattering. Gracie looks down the stairs and then back at me and asks "Should we go down and help them?"

I sigh and stand up to stretch my tired limbs. "You know she wants to do it herself-" I said as our older sister Meagan appeared at the door.

"Ridley's right, she wants to do this herself but will you guys please come down stairs and help me set the table?" Me and Gracie both nod and head downstairs to see our mom in the kitchen struggling to stop the mixer from splattering batter all over the floor. She finally finds the switch and turns it off.

"Ugh I hate when mom try's to cook it always tastes like butt." Gracie says as we stand in the archway to the kitchen. I scrunch up my face in disgust. How does she know what butt tastes like. She's 14!

"Regardless, whatever mom puts in front of you take a bite and say 'Mm' just like dad's'" Meagan said as she went to get the plates from the cupboard and my mom falls onto her chair and sighs deeply. "Dad's food never tasted like butt though" Gracie sneakily whispered to me.

"Cooking is harder than it looks, I can't understand how your father was such a good cook." Gwen said.

Gracie quickly looks down at the mention of her dad. See Gwen is my adoptive mother. She adopted me when I was five, after my mom died in a car accident and my dad up and left.

I was stuck in foster care for three years before she adopted me.

Her and David were good to me. Always kept me fed and clothed. I never had sisters or even brothers so when I found out I would have two sisters... let's just say my five year old self was ecstatic!

Having another girl around the house was a lot of extra work and it took a toll on Gwen. But it was even worse when David died last winter. See my adoptive father was my hero. Remember when I said my mom died in a car crash? Well I was in it too. He was the firefighter that saved me. So when he died it wasn't just hard on the Beckett family it was hard on me too. 

I was only two when my dad left, so David was the closest thing I had to a father.

My morbid thoughts were interrupted when I hear two knocks on the door. Meagan rushes over to open the door when a big "Hey. Hey!" comes from Isaac, Meagan's boyfriend.

She kisses his cheek as he says "I'm not too late am I Mrs. Beckett? Lacrosse practice got held over with all of the freshman trying out." After he hugs Meagan he starts talking to Gracie. "Hey Gravy aren't you going to be a freshman this year?" I laugh at the ridiculous nickname as she quickly corrects him.

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