Little Talks

153 6 2

Based of: Littel talks by; Of Mosnters and Man

Warnings! : None

Anxity/Fluff at the end

George's pov

I was walking somewhere I thought I would never go back, somewhere I was gonna see someone I missed, and never new about it. I got there. It looked really old, well it was abandoned for a long time by now, I went in without thinking it twice. 'It's just an old empty house George don't be scared' I reapeted in my head. The furnetier was all dirty and broken; it looked horrid. I keep glaring and looking around the house. 'Something is not ok'. I thought. I felt like someone was wathching me, but brushed it off. i stareted walking and staring at things and without noticing I was up stairs.

Wilbur's pov

I was alone for a long time... I didn't remember much I could bearly remeber about me or my own life, It terrefied me the first time but you get used to it when your aloun with your thouts for months, but this was a unique day, a very unique day that I would never forget, but of cours I didn't know that yet. I heard something downstairs, I brushed it of thinking it was an animal but  I got more and more curios by the second and went down stairs. I heard it getting louder and louder but the moment I went down stairs I saw a... boy? What is he doing here. I haven't saw people in months or well because of my memory for years. The thing is what the heck is he doing hear not that I mained or anything.

I decided to hide away from him or as much as I could. He was walking and glaring at different things like looking for something. 'Does he know I 'm here?' I thought to myself not noticing he went upstairs. i folwed him not making noise so he does not think I am behaind him.

George's pov

I was upstairs now. I stareted going throgh the door's and mamoeris going in like a tsunami, not like I mained at all insted they were happy memoris of me and my husbaned. I lost trak of time huh that never happens to me."It's getting late... huh..." I said to myself. I enter what looks like my old shared bedroom. "I'll sleep here today...I gess" I really didn't want but I felt that something was draging me to stay I don't know why I let it be like it was notjing to worry about I felt safe in that houes like I used to felt with Wilbur...

Wilbur's pov

The boy entered my bedroom, not like I mained it or anythiny. I don't sleep much either way. He turned around to placed his things on the grownd... He was walking towareds me... I froze in place, I didn't know what to do or how to act... 'did he just walked through me.' I was there in shock, froesed in placed. That's the reason I can't go out whan it's raining, that's why I don't sleep much and don't get tired and that's why he didn't see me and walked away. I'm...a ghost...

That night I was thinking about him a lot, "that boy..." I mumbled to my self. He looked so familiar, so... special to me, but I can't remember who he was, of coures I want to remeber, but I just couldn't. I closed my eyes. I fell asleep (time skip 4 houres because yes)

I woke up 4 houres later. He was there, the boy was there in my dreamI had, "weird" I mumbled to my self. Went out sied to get fresh air, It was night and the light of the moon was shining on my skin. I stayed there enjoying the silens and peace of the moment.

George's pov

I couldn't sleep. I felt something or someone was watching me or hunting me in my dreams, it was wiered that never happens to me a lot. Either way I shook it off and tried to sleep. I could hear the stairs creaking and the wind that entered from the broken window, That I didn't know how it got broken in the first place. For some reason I felt trapped there, like I couldn't move, I ended up brushing it off but it didn't came out of my head. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep for one more time even tho I wanted to leave.

Wilbur's pov

To be compleatly onest I nerver go outside It was wired at first but it was nice it ws confortable like I was ment to be there for some odd reason, just my thoghts floing in the wined like they needed fresh air like I did, It was wonderfull. "What's his name...?" I mumbled to my self, referring to the boy who was now sleeping in my room, or that's what I thought he was at.

George's pov

I was getting desperate and I couldn't stay here any longer. I grabbed my things and made my way out the house, but when I got to the door I saw something or someone and I was scared for a second. I thoght this place was abandon a long time ago well it looked like, I have a new houes now but it will never mean more than this one ever. I took a step closer to this someone or thing, wait... "Wait ther- there i-is no way..." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me. To be honest I was at the berge of tears I could feel them going down my face. He turned around and... I was indeed right it was was... Wilbur.

I felt myself crying a lot more. I haven't seen him since- since he... died some months ago.

Wilbur's pov

I turned around and saw him the boy. At that seconed memoris of him and I came all in me like tsunami. I remember who he is, I remember now. I walked to the boy and hugged him tight. He was crying, I put my hands on his face and waiped the tears with my thums, I could see it through his eyes that he couldn't belive what he was seing right now and to be honest me neither " I remember now, I remember who you are... George...I would never leave you again i promis I love you I missed you." I mumbled. He hug me back this time and said " I am happy you remeber me and this time try and keep this promis plase." 'I promis I would never let you get hurt like I hurt you ever again I am never leving you again I promis...' I thoght "I promis"



Well a little story maibe I will do part 2 I have something in mained :)

Sorry for any gramar mistakes and have a nice day/night/evening

Next oneshot coming soon~


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