Chapter 2 - The Helpful Raven

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Over the next two weeks, the letters flew back and forth between Father Raven and Mother Hen.

Severus enjoyed the exchange and he was genuinely glad to receive his mysterious pen pal's parcel each morning with his mail.

It brought a smile to Harriet's face to read father raven's letters as well, but his correspondence with mother hen became the highlight of Severus's days.

While he continued to perform his job duties as headmaster, he found himself pleasantly distracted.

Something good, genuinely good, had finally happened to Severus Snape and every day, he dared to believe it a little more. Reaching out to the mother of his unborn child had been the best decision of his life since he had introduced himself to Lily Evans all those years ago, or at least, that's what Severus felt.

Whenever he had a free moment, he was wracked with curiosity.

Hogwarts' shrewd and cunning headmaster enjoyed knowing things.

Mysteries bothered him.

Who was Mother Hen, anyway?

Severus knew she was a witch, obviously, but beyond that, he had no idea and very few clues.

What did she look like?

How old was she?

Did he know her?

Did she know him?

If not from his lengthy career at Hogwarts, after the events of the war, most people in the wizarding world had at least heard the name "Severus Snape", that was why he had declined to reveal his true identity in his letters.

Perhaps the mother of his son or daughter would be repulsed if she learned Father Raven's real name.

That was a fear that Severus didn't pause often to linger on.


Why had he dared to hope?

Why had he believed that for once, some joy may be his to claim?

Severus didn't understand why he had allowed himself to think that he may have a chance at achieving happiness.

One morning, about three weeks into his letter exchange with mother hen, he waited and waited on her response that never came.

Severus was devastated when the mail arrived and there was no letter from his.....from his......

The words used in his exchange with the unknown woman had begun to borderline on flirtatious and he had started to imagine wild fantasies that they would meet and they would talk and then he wouldn't be so alone anymore.

Severus's signature scowl manifested itself on his pale face as he looked through the letters that had arrived for the day and processed the fact that yes, Mother Hen had failed to reply to him.

It was foolish to expect anything else.

Fantasies were just that, fantasies, silly, worthless fantasies, and nothing more.


Hogwarts' headmaster was in a dangerously foul mood for the entire day. Severus was no stranger to accepting rejection, but that didn't mean that he enjoyed it more than anyone else.

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