Zzz...zzzz- "Y/N GET YOUR ASS HERE i" jumped,then ran to see what the problem was. "Ah, it was just my dumb friend, sai," i thought. DUDE LOOK AT THIS COOL PLACE I FOUND WE SHOULD TOTALLY GO TO IT SOMETIME, "ahh, fine.." i said. (A few minutes later) as we were in the car, i couldnt help but doze off...zzz...zzz...zz- HEY DUDE WE ARE HERE WAKE UP "AH WHAT THE FU-" Oh, okay" i said as we went into fb ihop, i couldnt help but notice this one boy... i went up to talk to him. I started it off with a "hello!" He said "h-hi im astoflo, whats your name?" I said "i am y/n!" He said "thats a se- i mean cool name!" I blushed a bit. We kept talking until "HEYYYY Y/N ITS TIME TO GO" quickly i said "Astoflo, whats your number?" He said "*instert phone number here*" i said "noted! I'll cya soon." That was 9 years ago. Now we are dating and we have trillions of kids!
The end