2 - Skiving

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Me and Quackity (nickname for Alex) were at the park. It only would've been 5 minutes into period 3 so we wouldn't marked as not there yet. We were sitting on top of the slide across from the football field. The slide was shaped like a tube thing so we had to climb to the top and sit.

"What's our excuse going to be?" Alex said.

I hadn't thought of an excuse so I just had to think on my feet.

"If you're alright with it I can just say you had a panic attack so we went to the park where it was quiet to try calm you down."

"Yeah I'm ok with that just as long as nobody seen us we should be fine."

"Ok sounds good and that excuse should work on Jack."

Alex: "Ok cool."

We sat just talking at the top of the slide. Another 5 minutes passed. My phone was down beside me when I could here it buzzing. I looked at the notification.

Jack: Y/n where are you I got a text saying you aren't in class
Jack: I won't be mad if you tell me where you are.

I scoffed. Putting down my phone.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked confused.

"It's Jack. He's messaging me asking where I am. Saying he won't be mad if I tell him where I am. He's not going to get me with that trap. He's pulled it on me before and then I got grounded for a week."

"That's shit. Maybe you should reply to him and tell him your excuse. He can't be mad at that surely."

"Ok I'm going to wait a while first."

My phone was blowing up with constant messages and phone calls from Jack and Sam, but I just let them ring.

"Hey maybe you should reply now." Quackity says to me with an awkward smile. "They might come looking for you."

I eventually sent Jack a message back: "I'm at the park with Alex. He had a panic attack and I wanted to help calm him down."
I pressed send. Not even seconds later I got a reply back saying

"Ok but if I find out you're lying I'm going to go mad. Make sure you go to your class soon."

I said under my breath. I didn't mean it. I was just annoyed.
Me and Alex kicked a ball around for a while, me in goals, Alex taking the shots. We done that for a while until we both got bored. I checked the time on my phone. 11:15am.

"Do you want to go back for the last 15 minutes so they don't suspect much?" I said.

"Yeah ok. Remember our excuse."

"Yeah I know. Stick to it no matter what."


We walked through the park, up past the canteen, through reception, out the door to the rocks and down to the English door. I walked into class.

"Sorry I'm late and all that."
I said as I walked in and sat in my seat avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"What's yer excuse this time?"

The teacher said raising an eyebrow. It was a new teacher we had. A Glaswegian dude. Very loud and cocky. Spoke like an army dude, but generally is a nice person and was willing to help if anyone needed it.
I scowled at him and said

"My pal had a panic attack, so I went to the park and sat with him until he calmed down."

He said not entirely convinced.
I got out my jotter attempting to answer the questions about some poem when I felt a finger lightly poke my back. I wasn't in the mood for Schlatts shit today especially as it was my first day back.

"Schlatt I can't be arsed with your shite today. If you're going to say something say it."

Nobody said anything. I turned around to see that it wasn't Schlatt instead I saw a girl with short pink hair and and glasses.

"Oh sorry. I thought you were Schlatt as that's where he used to sit. He'd annoy me all the time in this class."

"Schlatt. He got sent to isolation at the start of the class cause he was being a prick basically."

The girl with the pink hair said. She had a quiet but sweet voice with a bit of an accent. German it sounded.

"I don't think I've introduced myself I'm Niki. She said What's your name?"

"I'm y/n." I said awkwardly.

"Oh cool. I was wondering if you knew the answer to question 3."

"Yeah here you go."

I handed her my jotter and she wrote the answer in her own one. She handed me back my book. In the margin there was a phone number written. I quickly wrote it down on my hand and then scored it out in my jotter. I turned around and smiled at Niki and she smiled back. I think I've made a friend. Eventually the bell went for period 4.
I tried to go out the class but the teacher caught me and pulled me back into class.

"Why were ye late?" He said. I stared at him bluntly.

"I aready told you My pal was having a panic attack so we went tae the park where it was quiet so I could help calm him down." I said with a bit of attitude.

"What's actually going on?"

I stared at him. What the fuck is he going on about.

"Nothing." I said confused. It was actually alot of things but I wasn't about to tell him that.

"Why am I not convinced?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"I'd highly advise you to stop with the cheek."

"I'm answering your questions what the f-"

"Ye can talk to me you know. That's what I'm here for."

"I'd rather not. Can I go now."

"Yes. I'm here if you need me."

What the fuck was that about I thought to myself walking down the corridor.

The rest of the school day went ok. 4th and 5th period was ok although I was on the verge of being chucked out 5th. Nothing new there. Lunch was average, I was with Sapnap, George, Alex and the new girl Niki joined us. There was a ginger boy sitting at our bench at lunch, he was shouting random shit at us and we was shouting insults back. Just normal. 6th and 7th went better than I thought they would which was good. At the end of school I said bye to everyone and then walked to the bikeshed, got my bike and pedalled back as fast as I could desperate to get 'home' if you could even call it that.
I walked in and Jack was waiting for me. 'Oh shit what have I done now.' I thought to myself. Usually when Jack is standing at the door waiting it's not a good sign. It usually either means I've done something to irritate him or that another family has offered to foster me.

"Y/n come in the office. I've got something to tell you."

Word Count: 1086

A/N: This is kinda a filler chapter, so sorry if it's shite. The school is based off my own.

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