Kokatu's only friend: Melissa

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That essentially was my only reaction to meeting Kokatsu's only friend.

I Gotta say she was quite the beauty. Whether it was her shining silky smooth golden-like hair or her soft smile, I could understand why anyone would be charmed.

Though don't get me wrong, her beauty wasn't the cause of my amazement. I am a faithful man, after all, Mary will always be the only woman in my heart.

The reason behind my jaw-dropping is that she came all the way over there to bring him the lunch he forgot... and he's hiding behind me quaking in fear in response.

"Hey... Melissa... I get you're angry... just hear me out for a sec.", he said as he trembled like a prey right in front of their apex predator.

"Wait a sec... she's angry? I legit can't tell.", I thought as I examined her face. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't quite find any hint of negative intentions on her face. Maybe Kokatsu was just being paranoid or something.

"Oh, so it really was you after all!", she then said as she pushes the lunch box on me and started chasing after him.


My jaw dropped once again. Her mood really just changed in a mere second from neutral to straight furious. If I were to describe it, she felt like a bowl of water that got that one drop over the limit and just cracked.

My jaw was still dropping as a hilarious chase scene unfolded right in front of me.

"You bastard, why didn't you tell me that you took it with you!", she screamed as she tried to hit him with the spatula she brought.

"I did! I asked you if I could take it and you said yes.", he screamed in return as he barely dodges her attempts at hitting him.

I seriously doubted that statement, if that was the case then Melissa would look really stupid for still getting mad.


See? Knew he was in the wrong.

"I'm sorry, ok? I'm definitely going to make it up to you."

"Hmph, you better then. I'll make work you to the bone.", said Melissa as she stopped chasing him and accepting the apology.

Wait a sec.

Is that me or...


Yeah, looking at his face... he 100% got scammed by her.

Don't look at me like that... it's your fault for singing to her tune.

Well, now that her animosity had died down, it didn't that long for her face to go back to what it once was... a bit creepy if you asked me.

"Sorry for that shameful display. Like you must've heard from him, my name is Melissa and it's a pleasure meeting with Kokatsu's first friend. Please take care of that idiot.", she told me as she bowed slightly.

"I will.", I simply answered, quite taken aback by how polite she was.

Guess that makes me his friend... huh?

You could say that I'm making great progress, right?

"Anyway, you can go on ahead. I still have some business to take care of with her. I'll join you back in class.", said Kokatsu as he shooed me away.

"Yeah sure, don't forget that it's the 2nd class on the 2nd floor.", I simply remind him as I made my way back to class.

On my way back, I was analyzing the events that transpired, a bit of habit of mine since it's a great time waster.

While I wasn't able to find anything supernatural, Kokatsu's attitude truly felt like an anomaly.

He even left me hanging twice! I am still wondering what he meant AND I really want to know what he took exactly from Melissa.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't quite have the luxury to keep thinking about it as I realized that I was surrounded.

Not only that, but I also recognized those shit stains.

"Shit... it's you cockroaches again.", wall I had to say to them.

The bastards that surrounded me... were the members of the unofficial Mary fan club.

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