Act 1: Chapter 10

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Cassandra Linh

I won, and Niall will never hear the end of it. Especially cause he tried throwing them out of the car in hopes I wouldn't notice. On the wya to the local Publix we blared Taylor Swift and sung our hearts out. I wasn't good, but Niall sounded great. Sometimes, I would just stop singing to hear him sing. Usually he would laugh at the end of a lyric too. 

He has a nice laugh. 

When we arrive at Publix, we were dying in laughter because of a voice crack I had. Even though I was a little embarrassed, I couldn't help but laugh. Niall's laughter wasn't helping. 

"Ok," Niall turned off the car. I climb out of the car, Niall doing the same. 

"We want bagels," He jogged next to men, both of us walking in together. The Publix looked huge and people fo all ages walked in and out. They all were here grabbing food and other necessities before the hurricane got worse. 

"Cheese-itz, Doritos, pasta," He began to list things off the top of his head. 

"Ice cream," I add, pointing at him.

He looks down at me, smirking, "Ice cream is a must." 

"That's what I said!" I exclaimed.

The silver doors slid open, and we were hit with a gust of air. An employee doing the carts yelled hello to us but we ignored him and walked into the place. 

"King Hawaiian bread rolls," Niall pointed Ian the direction of the large rack of different fruits. I grab a cart that was left near the doors, it had a broken tire but it will work.

"Of course, those things are delicious." I agree. Niall chuckled and stopped at the aassortments of fruits. 

It was funny to see a man holding up fruit and then checking the expiration date. In my sixteen years of living I have never seen a man check his fruit, he would usually throw it in and hope for the best.

"Whatcha smirking at?" Niall looked at me through the corner of his eyes. in his hands were a tube of strawberries, looking fresh and delicious.

"Nothing," I lean across the cart crossing, my arms for support. I think my smirk grew into a smile, because Niall started to chuckle.

"Mhm, and what are you smiling about?" He asked. He placed thew strawberries into the cart and then grabbed a box of smushed raspberries.

"You," I answer honestly. I reach over and grab a fresh looking pack of raspberries. 

He stopped admiring his smushed fruit and stared at me, "Why?" He asked, confused with my answer.

I shrug and place the raspberries into the cart, "You're..... you're just looking at fruit?" saying it out loud sounded weird, "I don't know," I shrug.

"Thanks?" Niall chuckled, running a hand through his hair. 

"You're welcome," I grab the blackberries Niall had been eyeing.

He also grabbed some blueberries, "We need to make a fruit salad. My mum makes it," We start to walk, and I stare at Niall while he talked, "like it's really good. She'll mix it around, then put sugar on it, then mix it around, then out sugar on it, she'll do it like.... four times. It's good."

Niall looked at me, finding my eyes on him. "Sounds good. But we don't got any sugar."

"Then we need to go get some," Niall grabbed the end of my cart and started to lightly pull it amongst the busy store. 

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