Part I - Mom

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I felt him reach out and put his hand gently on my thigh. I turned my head and looked at my husband. "Honey," he said softly. "You're doing the leg bounce thing."

I was so nervous I hadn't even realized I was doing it. I turned to my husband and gave him an appreciative smile. "Thank you, I love you."

"I love you too, and this is going to be fine," he said with absolute sincerity. "I know we haven't seen him since Christmas, but there's nothing to be nervous about."

I knew he was right, it was just...our son had been studying abroad in Europe for the past semester and it had been the longest we'd gone without seeing him. We'd been in contact frequently over the past several months via phone, chat and social media, but I couldn't escape the nagging feeling he was keeping something from us. He always seemed incredibly happy, which was fantastic, but there was something other than just enjoying his time in Europe. It was strictly mother's intuition, but something felt different when we talked - especially the more recent conversations.

"What time is it? We didn't get the time wrong, did we?" I asked my husband for probably the sixth time that evening. I'd traded in bouncing my leg for picking at the cocktail napkin under my glass of chardonnay.

"He made the reservations for seven o'clock, but you know he's always run on his own time," my husband said with a chuckle. "And before you ask again, it's ten after seven. He'll be here. Don't worry. Everything is going to be just fine."

"Right," I said as I scanned the patio of the restaurant once more. I knew Adam had chosen the restaurant because of the outdoor seating. It was a perfect spring night - the sky was clear, the weather was warm and a slight breeze occasionally fluttered across the table. "It's just..." I started.

"I know, it threw me off too." My husband reached up and put his arm across the back of my chair, gently brushing his fingertips across my bare shoulder. I couldn't help but shiver. After all of our years together the man still drove me wild with just a touch. "However, no matter who he brings, it's all going to work out just fine. Adam's a good kid."

"But why wouldn't he tell us he was bringing someone? I mean, it just seems weird for us to show up to the restaurant and find out the reservation Adam made is for four, not three." I leaned into my husband as I kept my eyes glued on the door to the main part of the restaurant.

"Honey," my husband said with a chuckle, "Adam has always done things his own way and on his own time. Why would this be any different? Plus, Adam has been incredibly happy every time we've talked to him, so I don't think there's anything to worry about."

I smiled. He was right. Adam had always been the definition of an individual even when he was a toddler. And by all reports he'd had a wonderful time studying in England and traveling throughout Europe. "Do you you think he met someone in Europe? Is that who he's bringing?" As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I started mentally planning regular visits to Europe just in case Adam moved there permanently.

I felt my husband give my arm a gentle squeeze. "It looks like we are about to find out."

I followed my husband's gaze and saw Adam walking through the door to the patio. He immediately spotted us and smiled. Even though he had turned twenty-one shortly before leaving for Europe, Adam was always going to be my baby...and my baby was finally home.

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