Is it safe ?

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It was a normal day in the town of mobius . Tails was in the garage fixing his plane and sonic was watching TV with chad . it was 12:00 am and it was almost time to go do the usual afternoon run .

"Sonic ?" Chad said with a puzzled look ."hm?" Sonic answered not even paying attention to chad . "Can I go adventuring on my own ?" Chad said with a bright smile .

Sonic who was almost hypnotised by the TV quickly shook his head and looked at chad ."what ?!"

"Please " he said with an innocent look on his face . sonic quickly thought of an answer and said " chad it's not that I don't want you going out and having fun it's just... Your only six and Eggman is always attacking ,
it's just not safe ".

Chad was disappointed at the answer but quickly understood why sonic said no . he knows that sonic cares about his safety and won't let anything happen to him . " Ok " he answered with a happy tone .

" but if you want to go exploring you can always join me on my runs " he cheerfully said to lighten up the mood.
"Sounds great"the happy little cub smiled.

Sonic got up "let's go explore ". chad got up and put his jacket on and sonic put him on his shoulders and zoomed out .

When they finally arrived sonic put chad down And they explored the woods for four hours . It was finally 4:00 and it was chads nap time so sonic sat up from the spot he was sitting in under the tree.

"Chad ?" Sonic said as he looked around the place for chad . "yes sonic" chad said . sonic quickly looked up and saw chad in the tree playing with a squirrel .

"It's time for us to go home , it's your nap time " sonic said in a serious tone .
"Do I have to ?" Chad looked at sonic. "yes you do ,come on " sonic said as he held his arms out to catch chad from the tree .

Chad jumped out of the tree and sonic like always catches him . sonic put chad on his back and started to walk home when suddenly out of no where a bunch of robots come out.

"Huh!?"sonic jumped. a robot starts to shoot but sonic puts chad on the ground and spin dashed the robots until they were scrap metal .

But when he turned around to pick chad up chad was playing with the squirrel again . sonic shook his head . "chad?".

"Yeah?" Chad said cheerfully . sonic picked him up ."say goodbye to your friend " ."Bye " chad said cutely . and soon after that sonic zoomed home with chad .

When they get home chad tries to get out of sonics arms but sonic held onto him . "sonic can you please put me down ?" Chad complained . "no , last time I put you down when it was your nap time you ran " sonic said cooly .

Sonic took chad to the room and put him on the bed and took chad shoes off and his jacket and then after tucked chad in . Sonic kissed chads head .

"Ewe " chad giggled . Sonic smiled. sonic started to take his own shoes off and jumped in bed and held Chad .

"Sonic what are you doing ? "chad said trying to get out of sonics arms but sonic holds him close . "lay down" sonic says " I'm making sure you take your nap".

"But I don't need a babysitter " he kept struggling . sonic cradles him like a baby and starts to rock him . "sonic !" Chad try's to get out of the hedgehogs grip.

Sonic giggles "calm down ". chad starts to fall asleep but try's not to . "But I'm not tired " chad says while his eyes start to close . " Just rest buddy " sonic says but keeps rocking him .

Chad soon falls asleep and sonic tucks him in and goes down stairs .when sonic finally gets down stairs he sees tails walking out of the basement .

"Hiya tails what's up " sonic smiled . " Oh hi sonic "tails said tiredly . " What were you doing ?" Sonic asked . "fixing the plane . "what were you doing?" Tails questioned . "oh I was putting chad down for a nap ".

"How did you get him to sleep ?" Tails asked puzzled . "let's just say I have a way with kids " sonic smirks . " Well I'm going to take a shower " tails explains and walks to the bathroom. "Ok" sonic nods and goes to watch TV .

Later on that tails and sonic were watching TV when suddenly chad walks down the stairs still half way asleep and his hair messed up holding his stuffed rabbit and dragging his blanket .

"Sonic ? " Chad asked rubbing his eyes . "yes buddy is something wrong ?" Sonic picks chad up and chad hugs onto him . "There is noises in my room" chad complains .

Sonic wraps the blanket chad was dragging and wrapped it around chad and put chad on his lap.
"You can sleep on me " sonic says reassuringly .

Tails looks at chad in a concerned way. "Sonic he looks like he's faint ". "what do you mean ?" Sonic asks . " He looks like he is exhausted " tails explains .

Sonic looks at chad ." chad you ok buddy ? do you feel ok ?" . Chad looks at him with his tired eyes . " Mnm" . sonic quickly sits him up and sees a tiny spot of blood come out of chads arm .

" chad what happened ?!" Sonic says worried . " Sonic take him down to my lab " tails says concerned .
Sonic quickly picked chad up and zoomed him to the lab and tails follows .

When they get to the lab sonic puts chad on the doctor table and tails pulls out some stuff and starts to inspect chad . Tails takes some blood out of chad and checks the sample to see what's in it .

"Oh no " tails shouts . "What?! What's wrong " sonic says worried . "some one injected some Serum
In him that makes him feel weak and drowsy " . "Why would they do that ?" Sonic asks .

"maybe they are trying to take him or they needed to take something from him or they needed to sneak in " tails explains .

"Well what ever they are doing we need to keep him safe " sonic says sternly .tails nods his head in agreement .

chad looks at them with tired eyes and starts to feel dizzy . chad tried to speak to them but couldn't make out a full sentence . he only saw blurriness and could barely hear what sonic and tails were saying and even worse he could not move .

" .. Nic ...diz..iz " chad tried to say sonic I'm dizzy but it didn't quite come out that way . "shhh don't try to say anything just relax " tails reassured him .

Sonic puts a pillow under chads head and puts a blanket on him ." every thing is going to be ok buddy " sonic tucks chad in . "sonic should we go check out the house and see if it's safe ?" Tails asks ." you stay here I don't need you in danger either and you need to keep chad safe "

"Ok I will keep him safe and you need to be careful " tails says . Sonic nods his head And kisses chads head and zooms out .

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