Chapter 1

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    ...its cold...i don't know where to there somewhere for me...? would anyone even want me... my name is y/n l/n, my parents kicked me out cause they didn't want to take care of me. currently i'm freezing to death. perhaps its better this way. i should just fall asleep so i can go out peacefully.

Eren's POV:
i was walking around and it was a chilly night, as i was walking i saw a kid around my age on the ground sleeping. i examined them closer, they...were the most beautiful person i have ever seen! absolutely breath taking! I blush but then notice how cold they seem and how they're on the brink of death. I picked them up and ran home, I kicked the door open

"dad! Help this person is on the brink of death!" I yelled

"bring them here eren!" My dad said.


Your POV:

I woke up and I felt warmth. I smelled food. I saw light. I sat up and looked around. I made eye contact with a boy around my age, his eyes lit up when he saw me. He came over and sat next to me

"your awake I'm so glad your ok! My name is eren, what's yours?" He asked

"I'm y/n." I answered

then a man walked in

"oh your awake. How do you feel?" He asked

"I feel fine. Thank you for letting me in your home." I said

then a women walked in with a plate food. She placed it in front of me "please eat this dear. You must be starving."

I grabbed it and took a bite, it was the most delicious food I've ever had. I couldn't help but cry

"is there something wrong?!" She asked worried

"no no. It's just so good!" I said crying while eating.

"Why were you sleeping in the street?" The man asked

"my parents kicked me out, they didn't want to take care of me. I had no other family so I had nowhere else to go." I explained they all looked at me with sadness in their eyes.

"Well how would you like to stay with us?" The women asked

"are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a burden." I said

"It's really no problem." The man said

"ok." I said "eren how about you show her to a spare room." The man said

"ok, come on y/n!" He said grabbing my hand and leading me to a bedroom. I got into a bed and thanked him for helping me. I fell right back asleep.


~2 years later~
I was walking around with eren. I've been with the yeagers for two years now. I'm so grateful to them, they're like the family I've never had. Eren is a good friend even though he has a bit of a temper on him. Because of that I'm his only friend. As we were walking I caught glance of a boy being picked on.

I walked over to them "hey! Leave him alone!" I said

"huh? Get lost! I'd feel bad if I had to punch that pretty face of yours!" One the boys said

"I'd like to see you try!" I said. He ran at me, I analyzed his movements 'he going to punch with his right hand.' He punch but I stepped out the way 'grab his wrist with one hand and then grab where the shoulder connects to the arm with another.' I grab him and started pulling 'with all my strength flip him and slam him into the ground.' When I slammed him into the ground. The other two ran off.

I walked up to the boy "hey are you ok?" I asked


Armin's POV:
I was getting bullied but then I heard a voice, then a loud slam. Then the sound of someone walking up to me

"hey are you ok?" I heard a voice.

I Look up and saw the most beautiful girl. I thought she was an angel who had descended from heaven! She held out her hand to me. I grabbed it, it was unbelievably soft and gentle!

"Yeah I'm fine...thank you!" I said she smiled and said "no problem!" I was blushing like crazy. "Y/n!" We heard a voice


Eren's POV:
I was walking and I notice that y/n wasn't behind me. I didn't know where she went. I retraced my steps and saw her with a boy with yellow hair. He was looking at her and holding her hand. "Y/n!" I yelled out to her.

She turned to look at me "hi eren!" She said "y/n. You can't go running off like that without me." I scolded "but this boy was getting bullied, I refuse to stand back and do nothing." She said with determined eyes.

They always shine so bright, it's just one of the many things I love about her.

"You shouldn't have stepped in, they bully me all the time." The boy said


Your POV:
"then why don't you put up a fight? They pick on cause you won't hit back right? Your fine with just losing forever." Eren said

"your wrong. I'm not losing. Because I don't run." The boy said

"so what's your name?" I asked "Armin Arlet." He said "well armin I'm y/n l/n and this is eren." I introduced. "Would you like to hangout with us today?" I asked "that would be nice..." he said "great c'mon let's go!" I said grabbing both of their hands and leading them somewhere.


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