Chapter 4

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Your POV:
Pain, sorrow, regret, guilt, that's all I felt. All I could do was cry.

Hannes was running with us in his arms but Eren started punching Hannes head, yelling at him. Hannes threw Eren onto the ground, mikasa went to help him. I let go and walk over to him and hugged him. I knew he was in pain like me.

"Look there nothing you could've done for her you understand. Your just a kid. Your weak." Hannes said crouching down. Eren got out of my grasp and tried to punch Hannes but he caught his wrist. "But I'm worse. When push came to shove I was to frighten to hold my ground your mother died because I'm a coward!" Hannes said with tears running down his face.

Eren stopped, Hannes got up as we walked away from the only home we've ever known. I hugged eren. I was still crying like him


Eren POV:
Y/n is hugging me and crying. Tears should not be in her eyes. She's deserves to always be smiling. I miss my mom and I know she loved my mom just as much as I did. She once told me she's like the mother she always dreamed of having.


Mikasa POV:
It's happening again...please no...don't take my family away...don't take Eren...please more than anything don't take y/n away. She is the person that makes me happiest.


Your POV:
We made it to the boats that will take us to the next wall. Which was wall rose. After we got on the boat we found seats. It was running out room soon no more people could get on. We were lucky enough to get on. "Eren..." I said he looked at me "I'm scared." I said he seemed to snap out whatever daze he's in

"y/n. Don't worry your brother is here. I'll protect you." He said bringing me into a hug.
As we started to move, people were screaming to let them on, some even tried jumping onto the boat. Then I heard a loud crash and looked. They were the firing canons.

But then there were louder noises they happened constantly like...footsteps! Then a loud crash! I look to see a titan had ran threw and opened a way for the Titans that means not only have they taken Shiganshina but now all of wall Maria!

It looked as tall as the other Titans but also a bit different. The skin looked harder and it's eyes were glowing yellow. It opened up its mouth and spit out I don't know fire I guess. 'Weird.' Is what I thought


"Why was I always such a brat?" Eren whispered "I was always fighting her. I never even got to tell her I love you. Now I'll never get to. Never." Eren whispered while tears streamed down his face.

Eren started walking towards the edge of the boat, he snapped his hands down and said "I'm going to put a stop to this. I'll kill them all! Every last one!" He said


I was with Mikasa and we went to wake up Eren. He was having another nightmare. He woke up with a gasp. Mikasa told him to shake it off. "Come on they're handing out rations." Mikasa said to Eren as she grabbed my hand and started walking with me.

We walk out to see so many people. Some where even fighting over food. Armin ran over to us saying his grandfather got a bit extra cause he said he had kids. We each got one. "Thanks armin!" I said kissing his cheek. Then I took a nibble of my bread. Eren kicked a solider in the knee cause he was saying nasty things about us like we're animals.

"You picked the wrong man you brat!" He said then punching Eren then the other soilder kicked him to the ground. Eren started "spineless cowards all of you! You don' don't know what it's like!" Eren was yelling at them.

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