2. Dead Three Times (FL-OS)

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This poem was inspired by my one-shot Upside Down Mirror: Flatline, but the paragraph I used for inspiration was, "'Don't move.' The woman said. 'You flatlined three times. Two minutes and thirty-seven seconds, four minutes and forty-nine seconds, and finally two minutes and twenty-three seconds.'"

Three times --
Who was counting
Regulus didn't know
Who would care

--Three times he died
A lost cause for the Black family
If there ever was one
Oh wouldn't Sirius just laugh at that

Two minutes and thirty-seven seconds
That was the first time
The first time that he died

Two minutes and thirty-seven seconds
Regulus died and nobody knew
Nobody except for a group of Muggles
As he lay there on their operating table

Two minutes and thirty-seven seconds
Regulus didn't think he'd make it
Anywhere near that far
Given the fact he should have died
There in that cave
That very same night
Pulled under the waters
In the grip of infiri

Four minutes and fourty-nine seconds
He died that long the next time
It must have been a very long time
That he lay there on the operating table
The Muggle contraption showing no beat

Four minutes and fourty-nine seconds
That was a very short time normally
Yet a very short time can change ones life
For ever going forward
In ways that nobody ever would expect

Four minutes and fourty-nine seconds
Muggles ended up caring
So much more than wizards ever did
Muggles ended up saving him
Something wizards never did
A stark reality
The lives of muggles and wizards
Simply because he met one girl
One Muggle girl that one night
And opened up to her

Two minutes and twenty-three seconds
That was the last time, thankfully

Two minutes and twenty-three seconds
It took that long
For him to become a part of a Muggle family

Two minutes and twenty-three seconds
In such a short time
Regulus entire world turned upside down
Never to be the way it once was

Flatlined three times
With those three times
His time as a wizard ended
And he lived with Muggles

Don't move
Don't think about the past
Just keep moving forward
An unexpected bliss

Found Poetry: Of Magical Mirrors and Rabbits (Harry Potter Fanpoetry)Where stories live. Discover now