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#seona 😔🤘


"Nash wanna go on a date?"

"Hmmm yes let's go and where tho?"

"A surpriseeeee~"

Nash got super excited and held seojin's palm in her hands, seojin still got a lil flustered and decided to give both of them their first date ever

The was actually a bit cloudy but sunny
Like how the sun is still shining but still you can't see the sun itself
Yes that weather
Beautiful I say
Extra Beauty for seojin too
Seeing nash in that weather just standing there smiling at random small efforts seojin made
That view is something she'll definitely treasure the most

They decided to head out of the house
Leaving their chaotic friends inside

Hannie busy dancing to stray kids and simping
And cussing out at han for existing :')

Yana and eomma busy flirting in the kitchen

The gone squad mina,Mena,Charlie,schen were doing something weird, like talking abt how girls Don't want men but pandas
And Charlie was busy contemplating why he's stuck-

Eve,Erin,navya being together reading TXT ffs and fangirling on yeonjun singing broken I know I love you

Nati,misaki and nata were together
Not speaking a word but on their phones doing something obvious, may or may not-

And scarlet was telling the new girl afiah abt how everyone is living here without any murder
And also stacking up Harry Potter books
To shoot them at someone


Seojin was wearing a skirt with a buttoned top with nash wearing parallel pants with a comfy fancy t-shirt over it

Both of them were actually walking on the sidewalk going around the city
Just when they saw the ice cream parlour

They decided to go Inside
Nash chose a random ice cream she wanted that time and seojin chose oreo icecream

Both of them went to the nearby park
There were kids playing there, by kids I mean toddlers
Both of them actually got there talking about how each person would've been if they were here

In simpler words, just telling how some mid chaotic members will either squeal or not give a fuck

And ultra chaotic ones will either scream and dance and one specific one will pass out

Both of them were busy laughing when they saw the sun actually on their heads shining bright indicating it's noon already

Without wasting time they went to the mall

They entered to meet with people, a place full of people and places, go wherever you want, whatever you want to do, single or mingle, no worries, the mall was actually a place for everyone

But one place their specially attracted seojin

"Ice skating arena"

Seojin dragged nash with herself while seeing how nash was worries

"Why you worried bub?"
"Idk how to ice skate"
"Don't worry me too hehe-"
"I'm gay not god °-°"

And that's how both of them are in the skating rink
Just about to open the gates and step in and start twirling and spinning with eachother

But the thing was

Nash was nervous to go first

Seojin decided to step ahead and go first and then take nash with herself guiding her

Seojin stepped inside and took some moments to balance and get in the form
And then nash cam behind
Holding seojin's hand and then taking a hold of her shoulders to follow seojin around like a toddler

15 mins went away peacefully, till seojin kinda lost her balance and became wobbly legged

She took a hold of herself but nash fell down making seojin fall on herself

"Oh my nash u okay?"

"Ah yes I am"

And when nash decided to get up without any warning

Their lips met

Met like their corner of the lips got attached
And nash being nash

She grabbed seojin's neck and kissed her
Seojin got shocked but went with the flow into a slow kiss

That kiss when ended, they were actually panting hard

"That was so good"
"Oh yes jinnie"

And then seojin supported nash to get up and guided her out of the arena

"Was it good today?"

"Yup jinnie"

"Wait I have a surpriseee~"

What was it?

She dragged nash to a store
A custom store I say

And then she went
"Uhm ji seojin's order is it ready?"

"Ah yes it is you can take it"

And that's how seojin blindfolded nash and handed her the gift

Nash opened her blindfold to see the gift

"Oh god you made a custom teddy bear named nash for me-"

And threw herself on seojin to hug her tight

And that's how their date day ended

And they headed home


The house was upside down with hannie choking herself after accidentally playing a han jisung dirty edit

And all were busy trying to calm her down

And eomma entered

"Hannie calm down this ain't so big-"


and yana was busy laughing at eomma's face
Which was

ʕ´• ᴥ•̥'ʔ


Seojin comment here úwú 👉

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