Part 5

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Luke’s POV

                The last thing I see of Sang is her being loaded into the ambulance with the doc jumping in after her. At least one of my brothers is looking after her when we can’t. right when it pulls away we all rush to the cars and pile in I’m in Mr. B’s car with Mr. B in the driver’s seat with Victor next to him and Gabriel next to me in the back. The drive to the hospital is silent as we are all lost in our thoughts no doubt them being about Sang’s condition and if she will live. We need her to live. I need her to live. If she doesn’t…… I don’t even want to think about what would happen if she doesn’t. She must live!

                Dr. Green’s POV                              

                I jump in the back of the ambulance with Pookie before anyone can protest I know I need to be here as much as for myself as for my family because if I wasn’t here they would probably be on the news tonight from getting in a car crash at least with me here I can text and update them if her condition gets worse. I sit holding her had as the paramedics work around me trying to get her stable. I feel my phone vibrate several times on the way to the hospital. No doubt from the guys wanting to know how she is but I can’t pull it out all I can do is sit in this stupid ambulance looking at Pookie hoping, praying to any God listening that she will live. She needs to so I can hear that infectious giggle again, and so I can tell her how I feel. She better live otherwise….no I can’t think like that I’m a doctor I’m not allowed to think like that. She will live that’s what I have to believe.

                Nathan’s POV

                North is driving WAY over speed limit trying to get to the hospital to see how Peanut is. I don’t blame him I would be to if I was in his position. I’m furiously texting Dr. Green wanting to know how she is but he’s not answering any of us because Silas and Kota in the back are also texting him. We reach the hospital right as they’re pulling her out of the ambulance and rushing her inside North rushes to find the closest parking spot then we all sprint through the doors into the ER. We all hear the familiar voice of Dr. Green yelling at the nurse in front of him because he can’t go back and be the doctor that helps her we go over and pull him back telling him it will be ok even though no one knows if it is but it seems to calm him down enough and we go sit down and wait. I keep running the memory through my head. Why did I have to race her? She could still be alive right now if I hadn’t. As I’m thinking these thought Mr. B walks through the doors with the rest of the guy all looking like what I most likely do. Horrible and worried.  I’m still blaming myself when Mr. B looks at me and I know he can tell what I’m thinking.

                “Stop that this instant Nathan” he commands “this is in know why your fault or any of your brothers. It is not Ms. Sorenson’s either. That car had obviously meant to hurt her.” That made me think about it more closely that car had not stopped to see if she was ok, he just kept driving. Mr. B’s right that car had intentionally hit Sang. But maybe if I hadn’t raced her she would still be here. She will hate me and never want to see me again when she wakes up.

                North’s POV

                She will hate me. She will never want to see me again. I will never get to tell her I love her with all my heart and soul. These thoughts were on repeat through my head as I rush to get to the hospital. We reach the hospital and I park in the closest spot I can then we all sprint inside. Once we calm Doc down. We all sit nervous and scared about Sang Baby. I need to know how she is. If she is going to live. I get up once the others get here and step outside. I sit in the fucking waiting room wondering if she is going to live or die on me. I really want to take apart all of the cars in the fucking parking lot. This is shit I mean even the Doc can’t go back with her!! I hear the doors open behind me and Silas stand out of the way of my pacing which I didn’t even know I was doing.

                “This is fucking shit!” I yell unable to keep it to myself any longer. “I need to know if Sang Baby will talk to me or even look at me.”

                “North” Silas says but I ignore him.

                “She is going to fucking hate me!” I say still pacing running my hands through my hair.

                “North” Silas says again but I still ignore him.

                “Why did I have to kick the fucking basketball into the fucking street!” I say walking around. I really hate myself right now.

                “NORTH!!” Silas booms in a voice you really can’t turn way from if you fucking tried, “she won’t hate you, she won’t blame you, and she most defiantly will want to see you again. So stop fucking blaming yourself. Got it!”

                I stop my pacing and run my hands through my hair “but-“

                “No buts North” Silas interrupts me, “you know as well as I do it’s the truth Aggele mou won’t blame anyone. So calm the fuck down and let’s go and see if they have any updates on her.” I sigh and look at him taking several deep breaths calming down.

                “Ok I’m calm”

                “Good I would hate to have to knock you out,” he says simply. We both turn and walk back into the fucked up waiting room to wait for the ok to go see Sang Baby. I still wasn’t totally convinced that she will still like me.

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