03 ━ itzy when they're jealous

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glares at the person you're with
• although she's angry looking on the outside, deep down she would feel a little sad
• tries to get your attention
• gives you kisses and hugs more than usual
• when you confront her, she tries to deny that she was ever jealous in the first place
• "me? jealous? no, never."
• "yeji, babe, you and i both know that's a lie."

• would tell you almost immediately
• thinks being jealous isn't worth her time, so she rarely ever gets jealous
• also, she trusts you a lot so she knows she has no reason to be jealous
• talks it out with you
• ryujin finds it a little odd that lia doesn't get that jealous
• "ryujin-ah has a point, babe. why don't you get jealous that much?"
• "because i trust you, and i know you'd never find someone else like me."

• would walk up to you and straight up kiss you on the lips
• always has to be touching you to let people know ur hers
• she can be a little angry
• if the members are scared when ryujin fakes being mad, phew chileee imagine her being jealous
• would pull you away after excusing you and her from the person you're talking to
• "ryujin, we talked about this."
• "i know, but i hate seeing people think they can have whats mine."

• would feel sad, a little insecure
• stares at you quietly in the background
• thinks you'd be better off without her
• once you notice how quiet she's being, you ask her whats wrong
• she would simply ignore you and walk away towards her members
• "chaer? angel, are you mad at me? i'm sorry if i've done something to upset you."
• "you did nothing wrong, y/n. i was just... i was jealous. i'm sorry."

• pouty baby
• asks her members for advice on what to do
• doesn't follow said advice
• becomes more affectionate and clingy
• e.g. more back hugs, holds on to your hand tighter and for longer, either wraps her arms around your waist or makes you wrap your arms around her
• "y/n, babyyyy, pay attention to me pls."
• "yuna i've been holding you for the past five minutes already."


i know this was much shorter than the first two but i hope you enjoyed!

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