Three Days After

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The next few days passed in what felt like a blur. Between searching the rubble for anyone trapped, and speaking to families about their loss Harry barely had a moment to think. It was like he was on autopilot. People kept coming up to him and telling him what a hero he was. Some even thanked him. A hero? Because of him, so many people were dead. His godson was now an orphan. His second family lost a son. Not to mention the countless others he hardly knew. All gone. Harry needed to get away from it all. He needed space to be alone. He couldn't bear looking at all the people mourning. Especially not the Weasleys. They had taken him in and how had he repaid them? Fred was now dead.

Harry decided he needed to be alone for a bit. He muttered a quick explanation to Neville - who it seemed was the latest guard on Harry Watch. His friends had made sure he always had someone with him since the battle. Harry appreciated it but right now that was not what he needed. He needed space to be alone. Without even really knowing where he was going, Harry found himself outside the Gryffindor common room. The towers were supposed to be out of bounds due to the damage - but then again Harry had never really been an 'out of bounds' kind of guy. The portrait concealing the door had been ripped clean off, showing the entrance.

Staring at the destruction, Harry lifted his wand to try and fix what he could. He didn't really know how to fix the portrait - and the Fat Lady had hidden who knows where. But there needed to be a door. 

"When did you last eat?" A voice came, distracting Harry. Turning towards the sound, Harry saw Ron standing on the stairs to his left. His eyes red raw from crying. Still covered in the blood and dirt from the battle. He looked as though he hadn't slept or bathed in a week. Harry could see where someone (Molly no doubt) had attempted to clean the worst of it from his face. The sight of him made Harry's chest ache. What could he say?

Harry opened his mouth but no sound came out. Ron walked closer and held out a package, smiling slightly. "Mums been in the kitchen. Needs to keep busy. You gotta eat mate."

As Ron came closer, Harry saw what he held in his hand was a sandwich. As Harry realised what it was, he suddenly felt his legs give way beneath him. As always, Ron was there to catch him. "Easy mate, its only chicken." Carefully, Ron opened the newly fixed door and carefully helped Harry through. Ron then propped Harry against the wall and sat beside him amongst the rubble.

Together they ate their sandwiches in silence. Well, Ron ate his at least. Harry kept moving his from one hand to the other. Occasionally lifting it to his mouth but then finding he couldn't quite take a bite.

Harry kept trying to say something but all the words he knew failed him. "Almost all the people have been claimed now. Even had some muggles in here." Ron filled the silence. He was good at that.

"Ron, I am so sorry," Harry said at last. It sounded pathetic. He owed Ron a lot more than that. "It's my fault."

Ron gave Harry a puzzled look. "What you on about? Its no one but Voldemort's fault." Since the battle, Ron no longer hesitated before saying the name. 

"Fred. Lupin. Tonks. Everyone its -"

"Stop it. You didn't start this fight. But you ended it." Ron said shakily. "They died heroes. Lupin. Tonks. Lavender. Creevy. Everyone." It was clear Ron couldn't bring himself to say Fred's name yet.

Harry instantly felt worse. Why was he having Ron comfort him? Ron had lost much more than him. He didn't think he could feel any lower.

"Wait is that why you've hardly been around? Gin said you needed space but blimey Harry. You can be a right numpty y'know that." Ron chuckled slightly, and then it grew into a guffaw. Harry couldn't help but join in. It felt as though it had been so long since he had laughed.

Once they started laughing, they couldn't stop. It was as though it had been suppressed for so long and now needed an escape. Whilst they were laughing, Hermione climbed through the open door. She had hardly left Ron's side since the battle, so Harry wasn't surprised to see her. "Whats the joke then?"

"I'm a bit of a numpty apparently." Harry offered, causing the boys to laugh harder. Hermione simply rolled her eyes and sat down in between them, gently leaning against Ron. As she sat down, Harry suddenly felt another wave of guilt wash over him. How could he be laughing right now?

Ron instantly wrapped an arm tightly around her waist. Harry looked at their closeness and felt warmth. His friends were together and they were safe for the first time in over a year. He was glad they had each other. Neither of them questioned why Harry wanted to be in the common room. They simply knew that's where he needed to be.

"Will you tell Harry he needs to eat? I gave 'im a sandwich like 5 minutes ago and look" Ron pointed at the still complete sandwich in Harry's hand "He's barely even sniffed it."

Hermione sat straight up and glared at Harry with a look in her eyes that would have made Molly fold. "Harry that is not safe. You need to eat!"

Smiling at her attitude, Harry took a bite. It didn't taste of anything. That was why he wasn't bothered about eating. Nothing seemed worth it. But still. Knowing Mrs. Weasley had lovingly prepared it. Knowing his friends wouldn't stop till he ate. Harry forced the sandwich down. He knew it must've been delicious.

Breathing out a grateful sigh, Hermione leaned back against Ron, resting her head on his chest. "We have to look after one another, even more so now," Hermione said, as Ron nodded in agreement.

Harry felt a rush of love for his friends. They could easily leave him. Ron could be with his family. Hermione could be off finding her parents. But the fact they were sitting here, on the floor of a destroyed castle, concerned over him eating. It showed he did have people who cared. With everything going on it was easy to forget that.

"So. What's happening in the Great Hall?" Harry asked. Sad to disturb this familiar feeling but knowing he needed answers.

Hermione turned to face him, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Kingsley is co-ordinating with the families and the Ministry. Arranging for them to be sent home. The people who haven't been claimed yet are being transported as well. Away from here. Somewhere nicer."

If someone had told Harry two years ago there was somewhere nicer than Hogwarts he would've struggled to believe them. Now he understood. "What about the search for people trapped?"

Ron answered that one. "Dad's leading the teams for that. McGonagall took F-F.. took the twins home. Angelina went with them too. We didn't want George to be alone but none of us could face going home yet."

Hermione shook her head. "McGonagall hasnt stopped. She's been talking to families, taking people home, rebuilding parts of the castle, helping people fix wounds. It's a miracle she's still walking about."

"Ginny?" Harry hesitantly asked. He had hardly spoken to her since the battle, other than to say he was sorry and needed some time. He felt guilty. He tried to give her space but the longer he stayed away the harder it was then to pluck up the courage to talk to her. It was hard to believe not that long ago she was wrapping her arms around him and smiling like he was her favorite person in the world.

Ron took a breath in, "Well. Yknow Gin. Shes been tryna help the younger ones. Convincing them to go home or at least stay out of the most damaged parts. Showing some of them spells to help loud noises not be so loud. I think she just needs a distraction."

Harry sighed and leaned against Hermione. She moved her hand from his shoulder to his hand and squeezed. "We'll get through this, right?" She whimpered.

Ron's voice was shaky as he responded "We have to. If we didnt, Fred would kill us." He smiled sadly as a tear rolled down his cheek.

The trio sat in silence. Hermione curling up against Ron's arm whilst holding Harry's hand. If it were any other time he would have felt like a third wheel. But this. Right now. This was what Harry needed. And he had no doubt it was what his family needed too.

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